Book Reviews


Original submissions only. No reprints. People posting the review are liable for any copyright violations. Please ensure accuracy of quotes from books reviewed. Reviews should be free of unwarranted bias. Graduate student submissions welcome. Maximum: 1500 words.

Include publication information about the book reviewed as in the example below:

Srinivas Aravamudan. Tropicopolitans: Colonialism and Agency, 1688-1804. Durham: Duke University Press, 1999. 424 pages. $59.95 and $20.95.

Include your full name, title, institutional affiliation, and contact information below the book title and publication information. Please make sure to include this information in the post content as well as in the other submission boxes to ensure that your authorship appears on the site.

Please be sure to select the category “Book Reviews.”

Books reviewed must be in the field of postcolonial studies. You are expected to use your own copy.

For questions, email 

See sample entries herehere, and here.

Book Reviews Editor: Michael Lehman

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