
  1. Quiz on 《天才》

Fill in the blanks with Characters and then make true of false or choose the most appropriate answers.


1. 高考成绩出来了,孩子是全省的________________________.

gāokă zhuāngyuán

Which one of the following statements best summarizes the sentence above?

a. The child is very happy with his exam results.

b. The child placed first in college entrance exam in the province.


2. 记者_______________后涌进了他的家.


Upon hearing the news, reporters came to the child’s home. (T or F)


3. 就像一个战士,没仗可打他们内心就很____________________.


Which one of the following statements is true?

a. Soldiers feel lonely when they are far from home.

b. Students feel relaxed when there are no tests.

c. Soldiers feel lonely when there are no battles.


4. 妈妈在纸上写道:你今天想吃啥?A包子;B米饭;C面条;D稀饭。孩子接过纸条,突然来了精神,双目___________________.


Seeing the multiple choice questions, the child became very depressed. (T or F)


5. 孩子______________________, 最后笑了笑,在“A睡觉的后面打了个“√,然

xiànrù chénsī


Which one of the following statements is true?

a. The child went to sleep without thinking about the choices on the paper.

b. The child thought about the multiple choices very carefully