
Quiz on 《蚁族》 

Fill in the blanks with Characters and then make true or false or choose the most appropriate answers.

1. 蚁族,大学毕业生___________________________,被称为继农民、农民工、下岗工人之后 出现在中国的又一群体。

College graduates are compared with peasants, migrant workers, and laid-off workers.   (T or F)

2. “蚁族”现象将长期存在,可能还有扩大的___________________。

Which one of the following statements is true?
a) “Yizu” will continue to exist for a long time.
b) “Yizu” is a temporary phenomenon.
c) It is difficult to predict the future.

3. ___________________________的工作让蚁族对未来充满了期待。
lüè yǒu

Their employment situation is improving. (T or F)

4. 他们受过高等教育,充满智慧,不畏艰难,_______________________.
guān kāilǎng

What is NOT mentioned in the above statement?
a) They are highly educated and full of wisdom.
b) They are quite optimistic and fearless.
c) They are intelligent and hard working.