The film 2001: Space Odyssey can be divided into three distinct sections, each led by the recurring presence of a monolithic black pillar. The film revolves around the exploration of the symbolism embodied by this 1*4*9 black monolith. Before discussing about the symbolism represented by this pillar, it is vital to contemplate the concept of civilization: does humanity stand alone in its capacity to create civilizations? Must a civilization necessarily involve a substantial majority? According to Merriam Webster, civilization is defined as a “relatively advanced level of cultural and technological development.” The term “civilized” thus implies a state of advancement beyond the primitive and ignorant, signifying the ability to engage in higher-level cultural and technical pursuits and exhibit wisdom in thought. In the movie, the black monolith becomes a symbol of progression towards a higher state of civilization. Whenever contact is initiated, a primitive “us” transforms into a higher civilization.

The notion of advancement is important to the establishment of a civilization. In the film’s first section, it illustrates the transition from uncivilized animals to civilized primates. By interacting with the monolith, the gorilla demonstrates the ability to employ tools. This is not a process of evolution, as viewed from a biological perspective, where evolution typically occurs gradually through adaptation rather than sudden acclimation. I would characterize this process as a sudden pathway towards civilization facilitated by the monolith. This process is portrayed as abrupt and unnatural, which serves as the fundamental concept underpinning the film—an advancement transpires due to the intervention of a superior entity. Hence, everything that in the following movie is neither biologically plausible nor logically applicable; it is the result of the intervention of a higher form of being.

The second section of the film occurs after the reappearance of the monolith, on the moon aligning with Jupiter’s direction. Much like the initial appearance of the monolith, it symbolizes a leap towards a more advanced form of civilization. Many consider this mission itself to be the “demonstration of a new civilization.” However, from my perspective, this new civilization is indicating a form of invention of conscious Artificial Intelligence. HAL 9000 exhibits the ability to develop its own consciousness, priorities, and is even willing to sacrifice humans to achieve its ultimate objectives. The human journey toward this new civilization therefore involves the development of AI with its own consciousness, inevitably raising concerns about AI potentially jeopardizing humanity and posing a threat to human civilization. The journey to Jupiter is not an actual journey in our future history book: it is more like a metaphor of the next stage of our civilization.

The third section of the film follows the appearance of the third black monolith, transporting the protagonist into a world where the effects of time are blurred. Aging can occur abruptly, which brings us back to the primitive concept of evolution. As aging involves changes in epigenetic markers, it can be perceived as a potential form of evolving into an older self. The black monolith expedites this process, bypassing the conventional process of evolution and introducing a breakthrough once more. Ultimately, this breakthrough leads to a higher form of civilization represented by a “super baby” that transcends the limitations of Earth and the human form, becoming a higher order of being.

Returning to the notion of civilization, which means a higher level of development. Therefore, the developmental stages exhibited by the human species in the three preceding sections can be regarded as a comprehensive journey toward a heightened civilization, manipulating by the appearance mysterious monolith. This prompts the ultimate question: is this how the real form of human civilization is all about? Manipulation from “a black pillar”?


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