Who is Tyrone? What is Clones? & other thoughts

They Cloned Tyrone (2023) is a whirlwind of a film following characters Fontaine, Yo-Yo, and Slick Charles.

A few questions I wanted to pose here:

First and foremost, who is Tyrone? Our unseen title character perhaps poses the biggest question in the viewing. Of course, we see Tyrone at the end of the film and can understand him as identical to Fontaine– but who is Tyrone representative of as a whole? What is the movie trying to say with Tyrone’s existence?

Of course, this movie doesn’t really delve into artificial intelligence in the general sense, however, for the purposes of our class we are watching it because it addresses the creation of new intelligence and life forms. What I found interesting was how the implicit biases and wants of the creators, permeated into their subjects, with us coming to find the racial genocide being committed with one of the clones masterminding the operation only in Glen.

So I beg this question– what do you see as the similarities in clones vs. AI? Where do we draw the line as to what’s what? What are their key differences and what matters the most in considering them? How is They Cloned Tyrone representative of these differences or similarities?


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