A.I. Ending Us, We’re Ending Ourselves

In today’s doom news, many recent developments in A.I. news are all connected to one point: money.

I think these two segments, though different in title, converge at the same point. They discuss how money is always involved, and how so much money is being pumped into A.I. development when the majority of people are still suffering or cannot reap the benefits of AI because Artificial Intelligence is rich people play. In Saudi Arabia, investments of $40 billion dollars are being thrown at artificial intelligence (see article linked below).


Yet, focusing on one of the major players in AI. development, the United States is doomed if people in politics cannot get their jammies together and start working for the people rather than putting money in their pockets. This money being invested into AI isn’t coming out of thin air, and of course, government spending hasn’t been getting the best wrap in the past two decades. The coming of Artificial Intelligence is revealing the priorities of those who have more power than others over the direction of society, and it’s not looking bright.

Especially with AI usage in Hollywood, it’s the “lower” people who are having their positions threatened such as actors and writers rather than the “masterminds” or people with the “money-making” idea like directors and producers. People who have higher positions at a higher salary can prevent their roles from being taken over. Drawing from comments under this video, @andrewMartin45 comments: It’s hilarious to see these news reporters talking about this from an outsider’s perspective, lol. They face the camera a certain way and only do certain kinds of gestures mostly in a medium shot facing us. They are the easiest to replace.

But this comment also proves in and of itself why humans are doomed if this is how people are thinking about the issue at hand and completely misses the point of the video.

On a positive note, Artificial Intelligence in the film industry may finally award opportunities to smaller companies who don’t have the resources to finally be able to venture off and pursue films that they want to. All in all, one positive feedback in a niche segment isn’t enough to counter the bigger picture.

Maybe, human doom will do the world a favor. It might be time for a reset


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