Computer Plays Chess Better

AI has always given me existential crisis. Let’s see. Computers calculate faster, ran programs better without errors. Robots are stronger, consistent, and work without breaks. What’s the point of human then?

Alpha Zero that beats world-champions: A computer program developed by AI research company DeepMind for games of chess, shogi, and go.


This is eight years ago in 2016, but I still remember watching news and seeing this all over the internet back in China when I was in middle school. I think I failed to see the severity of the situatiion back then. Lee Sedol, the former South Korean professional Go player who ranked second in international titles at the time, lost to program AlphaGo with the result 1:4.

In November 2019, he formally retired, making a claim, “AI is an entity that cannot be defeated.”


This is from a WIRED article ( talking about DeepMind company: Artificial intelligence tends to get a bad rap in popular culture: as cyborg assassins in Terminator, or operating systems, like Samantha in Her, that lure us into unwitting love. So why do we need a general form of AI at all? “I think we’re going to need artificial assistance to make the breakthroughs that society wants,” Hassabis says. “Climate, economics, disease — they’re just tremendously complicated interacting systems. It’s just hard for humans to analyse all that data and make sense of it. And we might have to confront the possibility that there’s a limit to what human experts might understand. AI-assisted science will help the discovery process.”

I find this concept terrible and amazing, mostly terrible: an entity that human cannot not understand aids human in understanding something human cannot not understand.


I want to end with another article from a website called “Chat GPT Is Eating the World” (which is pretty awesome) that partly addresses my concern:

However, this website also used a picture generated by AI as the cover.


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