“I’ll be back”, but AI

I’d like to share this artifact of the internet that was uploaded just short of a year ago.

I find it fascinating because well, 1, it’s relevant to our screening this week. Less so in the AI take-over man vs. machines sort of way, but in a more, the use of AI in Hollywood and the threat to thousands of film industry jobs.

2, it shows us how this vision can be regenerated by the use of AI. While it has its problems and lacks Arnold’s authentic Charm™, it is eerily close to what the real scene looks like.

This was a year ago, and I think AI still has a long way to come in terms of digital video and its incorporation into Hollywood. However, I don’t think it will be too long until we see scenes generated in this way, or additional content utilizing shots already taken in order to generate new shots in post-production.

Ironically, I think “I’ll be back” is what OpenAI has said to the Hollywood producers quite recently.


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