Author: Wenxin Yan

  • Final Project – AI-generated Storyboard

    Below is the process and results of using AI software Boords ( to create storyboards for scenes from scripts I wrote in the past. In total, there are three different sets of storyboards from three different scripts, separated by line segments. Short Script 1: Customized Character: Julian Storyboard Series 1: Short Script 2: Customized Character…

  • Philosophy and AI

    We have discussed so much about artificial intelligence this semester. We have discussed advanced technology in films, novels those films are adapted from, AI’s application in real life, its advantages, and damage it has on humanity. One thing that does not seem to get mentioned a lot whether on internet or in our class is…

  • Computer Plays Chess Better

    AI has always given me existential crisis. Let’s see. Computers calculate faster, ran programs better without errors. Robots are stronger, consistent, and work without breaks. What’s the point of human then? Alpha Zero that beats world-champions: A computer program developed by AI research company DeepMind for games of chess, shogi, and go. ———————————————————————— This…

  • I Finally Watched Terminator

    Ok, I finally watched it. I always feel like I should have since I was a kid. Although I have never seen Terminator (1984) before, but I know Arnold Schwarzenegger is in it. Why is that? Every single poster has the classic machine gun guy with black leather jacket with his bare muscular chest and…

  • They Took Our Jerbs!!!/You Cannot Block Me!!!

    South Park S21 E1: White People Renovating Houses Bit of background information: Unite the Right Rally: This was a rally organized by white supremacist that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017. Participants carried racist slogans and weapons with the goal of uniting American white nationalist movement and opposing the removal of statue of Robert…

  • Week 8 Reader Blog

    Who Is Making Sure the A.I. Machines Aren’t Racist? In 2018, Google hired Timnit Gebru to work on improving its AI products so that they do not engage in problems like discrimination. Gebru later worked on a paper that showed facial recognition’s biases towards women and people of color, thus resulting in machine discrimination. Then,…

  • Week 6 Viewer Response

    Before watching this film, the concept of merely the film’s name reminded me of Rosemary’s Baby (Roman Polanski, 1968) which can be summed up as a film about crossbreeding between human and Satan. Getting back to the film we just watched, which is a film about crossbreeding between human and machine, similarities emerge. They all…

  • Week 5 Searcher Blog

    Eliza – one of the first chatterbots (chatbot) and one of the first case of Turing Test. The Eliza Effect: The tendency to project human traits – such as experience, semantic comprehension, or empathy – into computer programs that have a textual interface. The effect is a category mistake that arises when the program’s symbolic…

  • Week 3 Reader Blog

    Scientists Increasingly Can’t Explain How AI Works (Chloe Xiang, 2022) It is frightening to think of the black box nature of AI systems. Black box model is the system that utilize inputs and outputs to create information without explanation of how the output is produced, nor does it show the internal mechanism of the output…