Category: Reader

  • More AI in the Name of Progress

    Why must AI be weaponized? Why must AI companies pirate books for training? Can’t we all put it aside and focus our human technological strengths on, say, the environment? Or, my anti-progressive view here is to simply shut down all technology and regress as society all together back to our hunter-gatherer days (maybe Jared Diamond…

  • AI: Rated R for Violence

    Can AI developments in life-conserving areas offset the destruction direction that AI is headed? With AI inevitably going in the weapon and destruction direction, can the good in AI development be a justification for its counter of a violent AI. MIT has released a new course that is open to the public about teaching AI…

  • Overreading the Future

    Upon reading Nick Bostrom and Carl Shulman’s work, “Propositions Concerning Digital Minds and Society,” I’ve become aware of our current “attempts” in preparation for a post-AGI society. It’s an unusual sensation to live in a time when such ideas- about giving rights to “beings” we humans created – are being discussed and contemplated. One can’t…

  • An Interesting Proposition

    In “Propositions Concerning Digital Minds and Society,” Nick Bostrom and Carl Shulman propose a list of several possible explanations of how AI could serve as a digital mind in society which could carry great benefits and cause major harms. Their proposal is divided into ten sections: consciousness and metaphysics, respecting AI interests, security and stability,…

  • Worlds that Don’t Exist

    “What’s good for an AI can be very different from what’s good for a human being.” from Propositions for Digital Minds and Society by Nick Bostrom and Carl Shulman Reading Propositions for Digital Minds and Societies truly required me to practice Gayatri Spivak’s ‘three yeses’, as outlined in the syllabus. It’s not necessarily that I…

  • Week 10 Reader’s blog

    The concept of limiting access to advanced intellectual property has been deeply rooted in our consciousness from the outset, influenced initially by fears of extraterrestrial beings, lost civilizations such as Atlantis, and superpowers from outer space. As our technological capabilities have expanded, this apprehension has transitioned from mythical entities to more tangible concerns, notably artificial…

  • ai rights and blade runner ip reader post

    Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights While the article acknowledged the current inefficiency and shortcomings of the development of automated systems and advanced technology that relies heavily on users’ data and online statistics, it also unambiguously expresses the White House’s open-minded attitude to technological advancements. Even though titled “AI Bill”, the five pillars stated…

  • Week 8 Reader Blog

    Mean Images In the reading, Steyerl criticizes AI image production and “mean images,” which, derived from vast data pools, represent not individual realities but median values that disconnect visuals from concrete truths. As she writes, “Visuals created by ML tools are statistical renderings, rather than images of actually existing objects. They shift the focus from…

  • Week 8 Reader Blog

    Who Is Making Sure the A.I. Machines Aren’t Racist? In 2018, Google hired Timnit Gebru to work on improving its AI products so that they do not engage in problems like discrimination. Gebru later worked on a paper that showed facial recognition’s biases towards women and people of color, thus resulting in machine discrimination. Then,…

  • Humans Make the Calls

    Media and definitions surrounding artificial intelligence curate a specific notion that omits the large amount of human labor involved in algorithms. Robert’s writing “Your AI is a Human” sheds light on the reality of artificial intelligence. We discuss AI as eventually acting as a human or having human qualities. The fact is, these algorithms –social…