Category: Searcher

  • A battle with AI or just ourselves?

    The Terminator really sets the machine character, in a sci-fi film, to its most extreme end out of all the AI characters that we have seen so far this semester. The next similar character to the Terminator might be Ava from Ex Machina: both share the inorganic, steel-like machine “bodies” under the seemingly human-like skin,…

  • Predestination and grandpa paradox – searcher

    Time Travel and the Predestination Paradox in The Terminator Universe | Fandango Groovers Movie Blog ( The film The Terminator discussed about more than just the potential dangers posed by AI. It presents a narrative where, if we consider time to flow linearly, the emergence of AI progresses steadily without intervention or alteration. In contrast,…

  • The Implication of Yang

    In the article How A24’s After Yang Depicts the Film’s Futuristic Asian Culture Through Fashion, Ariel LeBeau writes, “If every sci-fi film about A.I. is predicated on the question of what it means to be human, After Yang complexifies that inquiry to ask: what does it mean to be Asian?” It’s an interesting yet unescapable…

  • They Took Our Jerbs!!!/You Cannot Block Me!!!

    South Park S21 E1: White People Renovating Houses Bit of background information: Unite the Right Rally: This was a rally organized by white supremacist that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017. Participants carried racist slogans and weapons with the goal of uniting American white nationalist movement and opposing the removal of statue of Robert…

  • Deckard is a Replicant

    While I dove into the Blade Runner fandom, I discovered massive discourse surrounding whether or not Deckard is a Replicant. In an interview with Ridley Scott about the more recent Blade Runner 2049, he immediately jumps in saying, “Deckard is a replicant.” Explaining how he must be for the new movie. However, Scott had not…

  • A.I. Ending Us, We’re Ending Ourselves

    In today’s doom news, many recent developments in A.I. news are all connected to one point: money. I think these two segments, though different in title, converge at the same point. They discuss how money is always involved, and how so much money is being pumped into A.I. development when the majority of people are…

  • Equity A.I.

    *I want to preface this blog post by acknowledging the length of the video above. It is extensive, but I highly recommend watching it in its entirety as the information provided is very insightful and greatly applies to our class discussion of A.I. and race. It is no question that AI has the potential to…

  • DEI & AI

    DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) and A.I. are both highly discussed topics right now. In recent years, just as many corporations and institutions have implemented new DEI tactics in order to foster inclusive communities, media programs have been exploring often ignored storylines and listening to the voices of writers and creators that have long been…

  • Is Technology Ever Neutral?

    In light of our recent conversations regarding racial issues and the biases embedded within artificial intelligence, I would like to share a short documentary produced by Vox that I came across on YouTube. The documentary sheds light on the racial biases inherent in AI and how algorithms often produce biased results. The video provides numerous…

  • ai-powered storyboard

    Before OpenAI released their groundbreaking “Sora”, there were already many people creating or using AI to facilitate their production process. It seems that people in this industry are more inclined to embrace the new technology than to repel it, which is a bit contradicting to the overall pessimistic sentiment that I perceive in our class.…