Category: Viewer

  • I Finally Watched Terminator

    Ok, I finally watched it. I always feel like I should have since I was a kid. Although I have never seen Terminator (1984) before, but I know Arnold Schwarzenegger is in it. Why is that? Every single poster has the classic machine gun guy with black leather jacket with his bare muscular chest and…

  • Reflection on The Terminator

    My immediate reflection on the movie is that by portraying two different types of male appearances or representations, the audience can distinguish between the extremely muscular, strong male appearance, which has a core machine that has no feelings at all and is hard to eliminate. Meanwhile, all other male actors on screen are vulnerable beings…

  • Yang and Non-Human Relationships.

    After Yang (2021) is a melancholy film, and not only because of the beautiful piano and strings score and dim lighting. The movie forces us to think about Yang and what we make of his life. This concept ties into our discussion about A.I. rights. Rather than worrying about humans losing jobs, the film dives…

  • Yangs Matter, Too

    Besides Colin Farrell looking like a Taylor Swift ex-boyfriend and the dad from Inside Out, the film was as Jack describes his ramen, soothing. This sci-fi-labeled film wasn’t like the others. No scary-looking robots, jarring music as a robot tries to take over a house, nor was it heartwrenching but it was touching and captured…

  • Where Am I?!

    From watching Blade Runner The Final Cut (2007), I was extremely fascinated by the setting, especially the city and the off world. It was a bit difficult to follow at the start of the film, and I vividly remember questioning where am I? Nevertheless, it was beautiful to watch and interesting to see how the…

  • Behind Blade Runner

    Watching Blade Runner (1982) in a theater with booming speakers and a large screen offered a vastly different experience than viewing it on a 15-inch MacBook. The immersive sound of Vangelis’ musical score enhanced the atmospheric mood of Ridley Scott’s world, allowing for a renewed appreciation of the film’s composition. The diverse and engaging cinematography,…

  • Are you human? and Other Questions

    Like other pieces from the franchise, the final cut of Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner contains many tests and questions, like the Voight-Kampff test that aims to identify replicants versus non-replicants. The questions often refer to animals and less often, family members, to evoke emotions in the test-taker and separate humans– who are meant to feel…

  • Who is Tyrone? What is Clones? & other thoughts

    They Cloned Tyrone (2023) is a whirlwind of a film following characters Fontaine, Yo-Yo, and Slick Charles. A few questions I wanted to pose here: First and foremost, who is Tyrone? Our unseen title character perhaps poses the biggest question in the viewing. Of course, we see Tyrone at the end of the film and…

  • Revealing conspiracy through stereotypes & Exploring Black Awakening through sci-fi

    Setting aside the cloning component, They Cloned Tyrone (2023)presents a twisted thriller, showcasing prevalent skepticism among Black people. The central theme revolves around the conspiracy theories where African Americans suspect their citizenship and freedom are being stripped away, leading to rioting as a means to vent their anger and assert themselves through violent actions. It is…

  • week 8 Viewer blog

    The film They Cloned Tyrone initially did not strike me as being particularly concerned with Artificial Intelligence. My first impression was that it leaned more towards themes of mass manipulation or, more accurately, mass conformity. However, as I delved deeper into the narrative, a realization dawned upon me. If we view the drug within the…