Category: Week 12 (April 2 + 4)

  • The Terminator | Visions of Violence; Realities of Labor

    James Cameron’s The Terminator was undoubtedly received initially as a blockbuster hit which launched the director’s career into big-budget science fiction and historical epic pictures. While the fear that presents itself in this film inherently relies on contemporary action-flick devices with the narrative following a classic chase movie of the likes of Hitchcock’s North by…

  • AI is Becoming the New God

    And we are all using magic to navigate it. The huge unpredictability surrounding AI results in an extraordinary scale of discussion around it.  In last week’s topic surrounding the morality of AI, it was treated as an object, a potentially abused being that needs protection. In this week’s topic, it is treated as such a…

  • A battle with AI or just ourselves?

    The Terminator really sets the machine character, in a sci-fi film, to its most extreme end out of all the AI characters that we have seen so far this semester. The next similar character to the Terminator might be Ava from Ex Machina: both share the inorganic, steel-like machine “bodies” under the seemingly human-like skin,…

  • I Finally Watched Terminator

    Ok, I finally watched it. I always feel like I should have since I was a kid. Although I have never seen Terminator (1984) before, but I know Arnold Schwarzenegger is in it. Why is that? Every single poster has the classic machine gun guy with black leather jacket with his bare muscular chest and…

  • Predestination and grandpa paradox – searcher

    Time Travel and the Predestination Paradox in The Terminator Universe | Fandango Groovers Movie Blog ( The film The Terminator discussed about more than just the potential dangers posed by AI. It presents a narrative where, if we consider time to flow linearly, the emergence of AI progresses steadily without intervention or alteration. In contrast,…

  • Reflection on The Terminator

    My immediate reflection on the movie is that by portraying two different types of male appearances or representations, the audience can distinguish between the extremely muscular, strong male appearance, which has a core machine that has no feelings at all and is hard to eliminate. Meanwhile, all other male actors on screen are vulnerable beings…

  • More AI in the Name of Progress

    Why must AI be weaponized? Why must AI companies pirate books for training? Can’t we all put it aside and focus our human technological strengths on, say, the environment? Or, my anti-progressive view here is to simply shut down all technology and regress as society all together back to our hunter-gatherer days (maybe Jared Diamond…

  • AI: Rated R for Violence

    Can AI developments in life-conserving areas offset the destruction direction that AI is headed? With AI inevitably going in the weapon and destruction direction, can the good in AI development be a justification for its counter of a violent AI. MIT has released a new course that is open to the public about teaching AI…