Category: Week 13 (April 9 + 11)

  • Computer Chess | Portraying the Progress of Machine Learning Intelligence

    Andrew Bujalski’s 2013 picture, Computer Chess, chooses to take a highly non-stereotypical route to examining the tech boom of the 1980s by not focusing on the sexy tech giants born in this period in the likes of Microsoft, Apple, or IBM and their respective techno-cultural icons of Steve Jobs and Bill Gates, but rather the…

  • Do we understand AI chess? – Searcher

    [1712.01815] Mastering Chess and Shogi by Self-Play with a General Reinforcement Learning Algorithm ( What about a Leela(Chess) Zero? · Issue #369 · leela-zero/leela-zero · GitHub The exploration of limits in artificial intelligence (AI) naturally incorporates AI chess into broader discussions concerning the development of AI technologies. A notable paper I encountered discuss the continuous…

  • What happens when AI fail?

    In Louisville, Kentucky, many parents were worried and upset when their kids didn’t arrive home from school until around 10 at night. Most spent hours trying to locate their children while others waited desperately at the school hoping to seek answers from administrators on what was occurring. Where were their children? Jefferson County Public Schools…

  • AI & Social Media

    As a heavy social media user, I spent many hours on various social media platforms, including Instagram and Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book), which is sometimes referred to as “Chinese Instagram”. Compared to Instagram that I use as a media platform to connect with my friends and get to know about their recent updates, Xiaohongshu is…

  • Literal Ghosts in the Machine

    As the 6-week long general elections approach in India, campaigns turn to reviving the dead for crowd attention. Deepfakes of recently dead politicians are covering election media in Tamil Nadu. Specifically, Chief Ministers have risen from the dead. In class we’ve discussed deepfake technology with politics as the tip of the iceberg freaking everyone…

  • so i quit playing chess

    I quit playing chess for almost 10 years. Before I quit, chess was my main elementary school extracurricular activity – practicing it with peers and coaches, doing puzzles, researching openings and endgames, traveling across the country for tournaments, etc. That was early 2010s. Back then I didn’t even have my cellphone not to mention computer.…

  • A.I. and Harm

    While there have been attempts to create laws and guidelines surrounding A.I., its rapidly expanding abilities call for a constant need to change and update these policies. As we’ve discussed many times throughout the semester, the usage of A.I., specifically to create deepfake images of people– often women– in the nude or in sexual content,…

  • The Future Is Now How far are we into the future, really, when we talk about Skynet exploding us all with nuclear bombs? Surely, humans won’t be stupid enough to go that far with AI, right? According to The Pentagon, it’s coming, perhaps much sooner than we are comfortable with. The US Air Force is undertaking a test…

  • AI Pin: The Wearable AI

    Alert! Alert! Have you ever thought of having a personal assistant who can be with you all the time? What about a health advisor? What about someone to be there when you just want to be understood? Don’t worry, for just $699 you can get yourself an all-in-one with the AI Pin! Unlike the iPhone,…

  • Computer Plays Chess Better

    AI has always given me existential crisis. Let’s see. Computers calculate faster, ran programs better without errors. Robots are stronger, consistent, and work without breaks. What’s the point of human then? Alpha Zero that beats world-champions: A computer program developed by AI research company DeepMind for games of chess, shogi, and go. ———————————————————————— This…