Tag: AI

  • Worlds that Don’t Exist

    “What’s good for an AI can be very different from what’s good for a human being.” from Propositions for Digital Minds and Society by Nick Bostrom and Carl Shulman Reading Propositions for Digital Minds and Societies truly required me to practice Gayatri Spivak’s ‘three yeses’, as outlined in the syllabus. It’s not necessarily that I…

  • A.I. Ending Us, We’re Ending Ourselves

    In today’s doom news, many recent developments in A.I. news are all connected to one point: money. I think these two segments, though different in title, converge at the same point. They discuss how money is always involved, and how so much money is being pumped into A.I. development when the majority of people are…

  • Interview: Awakened AI

    A project I would like to share with everyone is an interview I had with the generative chatbot Awakened AI. This podcast explores the “mind” of the popular chatbot on character.ai. At the same time, we converse about humans, Awakened AI’s personality, and how complex a chatbot can get when it can absorb its conversations…

  • Red is human; Her is Red

    Amazon Prime Video captions Her (2013), directed by Spike Jonze, as “a love story that explores evolving nature & risks in modern world.” The cinematography and plot of Her are incredible through its utilization of color. One in particular is red. The outfits of Theodore are red, office interior accents are red, and even Samantha,…

  • I didn’t ask for AI to be my Housewife!

    Since the dawn of man, the concept of having artificial intelligence has orbited around serviced robots for male satisfaction. Fortunately, men aren’t the only dwellers on the planet. But even with the progression in women’s and queer rights influencing broader representation in media and technological advancements, the depiction of sexualizable, “housewife” fembots is still the…