Tag: Deepfake

  • AI Digital Divide: Tech Literacy

    In light of our Mission Impossible screening this week, we did a deep dive on the Hollywood superstar of American cinema: Tom Cruise. During our discussions, we covered his prolonged involvement in the Church of Scientology, extreme stunts on set, and briefly touched on his connection to discourses concerning deepfake AI. Since we are all…

  • A.I. and Harm

    While there have been attempts to create laws and guidelines surrounding A.I., its rapidly expanding abilities call for a constant need to change and update these policies. As we’ve discussed many times throughout the semester, the usage of A.I., specifically to create deepfake images of people– often women– in the nude or in sexual content,…

  • Out With OpenAI, In With EMO

    EMO, or Emote Portrait Live, is a recent development under the worldwide known company of Alibaba. With the world scrabbling to develop AI learning models, EMO serves as a revolutionary foothold as it tackles the ongoing issue with AI-generated videos: the unique human expression spectrum. Article author Michael Nuñez explains that this is an AI…