Tag: her

  • Red is human; Her is Red

    Amazon Prime Video captions Her (2013), directed by Spike Jonze, as “a love story that explores evolving nature & risks in modern world.” The cinematography and plot of Her are incredible through its utilization of color. One in particular is red. The outfits of Theodore are red, office interior accents are red, and even Samantha,…

  • One Man Show

    Her is an unusual film. Unusual, yet successful, at least in my eyes, in the way the story was executed. My first impression after the movie was “most of the movie was close ups of Theodore’s face.” I thought about how few times he interacted with other humans throughout the film and how isolating that…

  • Her: Gendering of AI

    Is your AI lover also your servant? In “Her,” like the robotic character Kyoto in “Ex Machina,” Samantha is endowed with a female voice, thereby assigning her AI system a female gender identity. Mackereth posits, “In Her, the technology of gender is crucial for the credibility of the romance between Samantha and Theodore. Samantha’s femininity…

  • Not human. Not code. But a secret third thing…

    Not human. Not code. But a secret third thing…

    Humans cannot help but develop emotional attachments for the things they own and it certainly does not help that we anthropomorphize everything—that includes AI chatbots. Advancements in the artificial intelligence field are occurring faster than you can say knife and allowing chatbots to simulate emotional connections, and even enter marriages with us. Although these AI…