Tag: Weizenbaum

  • Concerned with AI?

    In “Weizenbaum’s nightmares: how the inventor of the first chatbot turned against AI,” Ben Tarnoff explores the life of Joseph Weizenbaum as he began to develop concerns about the future of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and humanity. In 1966, Weizenbaum became the first person to invent a chatbot which he named Eliza. Eliza’s role was to…

  • Creators & Creations: To whom am I speaking with?

    Recently on Twitter (X, if you must), a user posed a question asking for examples of scholars who spent years after their discovery distancing themselves from it. The example stated in the Tweet itself is Oppenheimer, and various popular responses include Dong Nguyen and the highly addictive Flappy Bird, David Mech and his outdated analysis…