Seeman: Class 2, Introduction

Seeman: Class 2, Introduction

Dear Freshman Seminarians,

I hope you are all doing very well and keeping safe. Welcome to our blog site!

Please make sure to put your name and the class number in the heading of every blog you write. And remember that further information about how the significance of blogs to your overall grade can be found in your course syllabus.

Some Tips:

  1. Write in complete sentences, paragraphs, etc. Clarity of style and expression matters!
  2. Pay special attention to the themes of the class– in this case, Religion, Race and the Human Experience!
  3. Proof read your posts for spelling, grammar, missing words etc BEFORE you post.
  4. It is a good idea, but not required to compose first in Word and then cut and paste into the Scholar blogs site.
  5. Don’t just do a book report! This is meant to be a analysis of the writing: What was the author trying to accomplish? Did they succeed? What tools did they use? What are some important takeaways? What is left unclear or what questions do you still have that we can speak about in class?
  6. Remember to post on time (5 PM the day before it is due, no later).
  7. Remember to COMMENT on other people’s blogs each week before class.
  8. Your opinions are only interesting to this class if they are backed up in some way by evidence from the readings, from logic or elsewhere.
  9. Keep it interesting, keep it real. Take a chance. Try an experiment.

very best wishes,

Don Seeman

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