Scroll down for examples of recent publications. Additional publications are listed on ORCiD and ResearchGate.
Vidali, Debra. 2023.
Craftwork in Ethnographic Theater Making.
The Routledge Companion to theAnthropology of Performance,
eds. L. Miller and D. Syring, 423-440.
New York: Routledge.
Vidali, Debra. 2020.
Ethnographic Theater Making: Multimodal Alchemy, Knowledge, and Invention.
American Anthropologist 122(2):394-409.
Vidali, Debra. 2016.
Multisensorial Anthropology: A Retrofit Cracking Open of the Field. American Anthropologist 118(2):395-400.
Vidali, Debra. 2015.
A Language for Re-Generation: Boundary Crossing and Re-Formation at the Intersection of Media Ethnography and Theatre.
Media, Anthropology and Public Engagement, eds. S. Pink and S. Abram. New York: Berghahn.