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Meet the members of our lab!



Dr. Patricia Bauer
Principal Investigator

Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Psychology

The primary work of our laboratory is the study of memory and how it develops from infancy onward. By combining behavioral and electrophysiological (ERP) measures, my colleagues and I are working to understand how the functional changes we observe relate to developments in the basis processes of encoding, consolidation, storage, and retrieval of information from memory; and to neuro-developmental changes that take place in the same period of time. We are especially interested in how children and adults combine or integrate separate yet related episodes of new learning and extend beyond it to actually self-generate new factual knowledge. We pursue these questions in the laboratory and in the classroom, using behavioral methods as well as eye-tracking and ERPs to shed light on the cognitive processes involved in this important means of accumulation of knowledge.


Hilary Miller-Goldwater, Ph.D.
Postdoctoral Fellow

Hilary has been a postdoctoral researcher since June 2018. She completed her doctoral dissertation in psychology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Her dissertation focused on the role that language and visual attention play in the development of children’s spatial skills. She is particularly interested in understanding how children and adults acquire STEM-related skills and knowledge. To investigate these issues, she uses multiple methodologies including eye-tracking, textual analysis, coding of children’s speech and gesture and coding of parent interactions. In the Bauer lab she is working on projects related to how children implicitly integrate and self-derive new knowledge, how the content of story books and parent-child interaction around story books facilitates children’s learning, and how undergraduate students learn from diagrams in STEM courses. Check out her personal website for more information.



Greer Spradling
Lab Coordinator

Greer graduated from Emory University with a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology and a double major in Sociology in May of 2022. As an undergraduate, she worked in Dr. Lilienfeld’s Lab on a number of studies focused on intellectual humility and cognitive biases. She has been a Lab Coordinator in the Bauer Memory Development Lab since June of 2022.



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