Spirituality in Secular Spaces: A Practical Missional Ecclesiology

Spirituality in Secular Spaces: The Challenge As religiosity shifts in our contemporary culture, the Church must shift its perspective to ensure that an orthodox but adaptive future is possible. We Continue Reading

Thriving Rural Churches in Context of Decline

Introduction: Jurgen Moltmann’s assertion, “True hope is lived in the giving of oneself to the future of the hopeless…. Faith is manifested in love for those in need,”[1] resonates deeply Continue Reading

Bridging the Gap: Uniting Generations at Abundant Praise Baptist Church

Nestled in the heart of the Silverleaf community of Durham, North Carolina, Abundant Praise Baptist Church stands as a testament to resilience and adaptability in the face of societal and Continue Reading

Brick Walls Behind Opened Doors

What are the qualities of an effective leader in pastoral ministry?  For some, homiletical skill, education, faithfulness, service, integrity, and the non-negotiable element of God’s call are more than enough. Continue Reading

(Re)membering the Connection

The Role of the District Superintendent as Chief Missional Strategist Rev. Elizabeth C. Abel The role of a District Superintendent (DS) in the United Methodist Church (UMC) has its roots Continue Reading

One Table: A Theology of Nourishment

Appetizers: Historic Information “Food matters,” as Dr. Jennifer Ayres, author of the book Good Food: Grounded Practical Theology wrote.[1] Yet we live in a society where adequate, nourishing food is Continue Reading