Thriving Rural Churches in Context of Decline

Introduction: Jurgen Moltmann’s assertion, “True hope is lived in the giving of oneself to the future of the hopeless…. Faith is manifested in love for those in need,”[1] resonates deeply Continue Reading

Deconstructing Patriarchy, Reconstructing Faith

Patriarchy is one of those systems of oppression hiding in plain sight– especially in the Church. Over the course of history, the Church has used the Holy Scriptures to defend Continue Reading

Maker Infused Worship for the 21st Century Church

Maker-Infused Worship for the 21 st Century Church Jenny Shultz-Thomas April 14, 2023 Research Project Context This project investigates how maker culture can inspire church vitality post-COVID. The context for Continue Reading

Campus Ministry Sustained

Today’s Class Will Meet on Zoom What the New Arms Race in Higher Education Means Believe me, before I entered the doctor of ministry program at Emory’s Candler School of Theology Continue Reading

Faith and Food Justice

Why the Peace Garden Project?   I was raised in the south in a pretty fundamentalist Baptist Church, and I have a Muslim sister. Though my beliefs are no longer Continue Reading

Mastering Calling Comprehension: Answer God’s Call with Clarity & Confidence

If you could ask God one question, what would it be? “A USA Today poll found that if people could ask God just one question, most would want to know: Continue Reading