(Re)membering the Connection

The Role of the District Superintendent as Chief Missional Strategist Rev. Elizabeth C. Abel The role of a District Superintendent (DS) in the United Methodist Church (UMC) has its roots Continue Reading

Untrained Professionals Expected To Save Lives

Did you know that some pastoral leaders currently in ministry have not received the proper training? In every profession, there is a list of necessary skills to do the job Continue Reading

The Exodus of Black Men from Church

The Exodus of Black Men from Church Introduction As an African American male doctoral student of Theology, Founder of 20/20 VISION, and seasoned pastor of Baptist churches in Atlanta, Georgia, Continue Reading

ΑΓΑΠΏ On the Margins: Utilizing Spiritual Gifts for New Ministry

Introduction A pastor can equip and empower an aging congregation to work towards an affordable housing ministry by educating the congregation about the problem of affordable housing (within the local Continue Reading

Strategically Restructuring for the Future of Methodism

Facing an Existential Ecclesial Crisis             The United Methodist Church in America, alongside virtually every form of historically Wesleyan ecclesial expression, is facing multiple, significant crises. Much has been spoken, Continue Reading

The Importance of Story in Uncovering Values for Congregational Leadership

Introduction Throughout my career, I have attended countless continuing education events and read a dozen books on church leadership all with the same theme: congregations need a clear mission and Continue Reading

Appreciative Itineracy

You want me to go where??? One of the distinguishing characteristics of pastoral ministry in the United Methodist Church is itineracy.  Pastors within United Methodist structures are “appointed” to churches Continue Reading