Untrained Professionals Expected To Save Lives

Did you know that some pastoral leaders currently in ministry have not received the proper training? In every profession, there is a list of necessary skills to do the job Continue Reading

Worship and the Lament – Recasting Lament as Worship

In her book, “Spirit and Trauma: A Theology of Remaining” [1] Author Shelly Rambo draws forward the experiences of Holy Saturday–the space between Jesus’s death and Jesus’s resurrection. If the Continue Reading

Appreciative Itineracy

You want me to go where??? One of the distinguishing characteristics of pastoral ministry in the United Methodist Church is itineracy.  Pastors within United Methodist structures are “appointed” to churches Continue Reading

Campus Ministry Sustained

Today’s Class Will Meet on Zoom What the New Arms Race in Higher Education Means Believe me, before I entered the doctor of ministry program at Emory’s Candler School of Theology Continue Reading

Understanding Community: Engaging Oxford College Students in Loving God’s World

The Why & The What of This Project My doctor of ministry project is about the relationship between colleges and universities, often referred to as town and gown relations. More Continue Reading