Tag: faculty

  • Welcome Professor Mehtap Ozdemir

    Welcome Professor Mehtap Ozdemir

    The Department of Comparative Literature is pleased to introduce our exciting new faculty addition this Fall 2024: Professor Mehtap Ozdemir. With a focus on Middle Eastern cultural and literary modernities, her research encompasses a range of interdisciplinary interests, including comparative poetics and world literature. Professor Ozdemir is particularly engaged in critical translation theory, exploring how translation…

  • Welcome Professor Ronald Mendoza-de Jesús & Professor Irving Goh

    Welcome Professor Ronald Mendoza-de Jesús & Professor Irving Goh

    The Department of Comparative Literature is pleased to introduce two distinguished additions to our faculty starting Fall 2024: Professor Ronald Mendoza-de Jesús and Professor Irving Goh. Their scholarly contributions will encompass a diverse spectrum of expertise, spanning courses such as “Other Medusas: Caribbean Abjections” and “World Literature and the Question of Citizenship.” Further information will be shared in…

  • † José Quiroga, 1959-2024

    † José Quiroga, 1959-2024

    The Department of Comparative Literature at Emory University held a memorial service honoring José Quiroga’s life on Monday, April 15, 2024 in the Cannon Chapel at Emory University. Topic: In Honor of José Quiroga WATCH JOSE QUIROGA IN MEMORIAM SERVICE