Around Campus: Report from Theology School

At the October meeting, Chair Erica Brownfield introduced a new practice of asking one council member per meeting to report on discussion topics from his or her school. This month, Timothy Jackson from the Candler School of Theology reported on three con- cerns raised by his colleagues:

  1. The declining condition and overcrowding of campus shuttles;
  2. The paucity of prompt, available appointments in the Emory Healthcare system for Emory employees; and
  3. Concerns that the Blackboard course content management system is outdated and too expensive.

These concerns prompted the following announcements:

  • The entire campus shuttle fleet will be replaced in 2012.
  • •Blackboard, which is reviewed in comparison to other content management systems regularly, will undergo a massive upgrade very soon.
  • Brownfield offered to invite Doug Morris, director of the Emory Clinic, to speak to the Faculty Council.


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