Residency education has been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Programs in pandemic status, as designated by the ACGME, have substantially modified or suspended traditional educational activities to adhere to physical distancing practices and allow residents to focus on patient care.
Dr. Karen Law, Emory Internal Medicine (IM) Residency Program Director, envisioned meet this educational need by disseminating infographics via residency program social media accounts (Instagram:, Twitter: @JenniferSpicer4). Caroline Coleman, current Emory medical student and incoming Emory IM resident, organized the effort and designed the infographics under the mentorship of Jennifer Spicer, MD, MPH.
We harnessed the enthusiasm and availability of medical students by recruiting them to create COVID-19 educational materials, and ensured the accuracy of the disseminated information by having a fellow or faculty member peer-review all infographic content. This allowed the electronic dissemination of easily digestible, up-to-date, and peer-reviewed information on COVID-19 to Emory IM residents.
Special thanks to all Emory medical students, fellows, and faculty who have helped create, curate, and review content:
Class of 2020: Anna Coronata, Sam Epstein, Emily Allard-Phillips, Emily Evans, Chloe Lalonde, Samuel Maidman, Peyton Hanson, Wint Thu Saung, Ashley McDowell
Class of 2021: Rachel Koch, Tyler Warnock, Benjamin Meyer, Ogul Uner
MD/MPH students: Kristin Harrington, Hans Verkerke
Infectious Disease fellows: Jane Yoon, MD, Aditi Ramakrishnan, MD
Pulmonary and Critical Care fellows: Richard Ramonell, MD
Cardiology fellows: John Lisko, MD, Nik Shekiladze, MD
Faculty: Jennifer Spicer, MD, MPH, Varun Phadke, MD