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Dominican Republic Day 3 and Day 4

Posted by on June 5, 2014
6/2 and 6/3
We began our day at the main hospital.  We had the opportunity to meet with the administrator of Hospital San Vicente de Paul.  She answered any questions we had, welcomed us and gave us an overview of the ADAMES.  After meeting with her, we broke off into two groups.  One group would focus on Programa Canguru and the other group would focus on La Casita de Salud in Manhattan (Not NYC).  Due to our meeting with the administrator, the Canguru group did not get to see many women.  They planned to arrive earlier at the hospital to see a typical day from start to finish. The La Casita de Salud group had an opportunity to join the community leaders in collecting census data.  They had an opportunity to learn more about the people of the community.  We all met up for lunch and decided to plan for data collection the following day.  We had to decide what areas we would specifically look more into based on our initial observations and questions.  Two students were able to join a midwife in Labor and Delivery at the hospital.  They were able to see a birth!  Monday proved to be a challenging day as we adjusted to a more rigorous and tight schedule and challenging transportation.
Tuesday flowed much better.  The Canguru group got to the hospital early and were able to see a full day there.  The Casita group began the day visiting an UNAP (Vista del Valle).  This is a clinic that is the closest to Manhattan.  Everyone welcomed us and gave us a tour.  The Casita group went to La Casita de Salud to get a sense of the community issues and the progress or lack of progress of La Casita de Salud. A specific questionnaire was used to collect this data from community leaders and members.  In the afternoon, we were all able to see two more UNAPs.  These two were much smaller than the one we had visited that morning.  We were able to get a sense of the level of convenience to patients as well as the general medical issues of the communities.  We are now making plans for data collection tomorrow.


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