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Author Archives: bcooks

D.R. Day 5 and Day 6

6/4 and 6/5 We got the opportunity to speak with the director of public health as well as epidemiologists in D.R..  It was amazing to see their processes and their passion for truly making the D.R. a better place.  We are in the groove of going to our locations.  We are able to have people … Continue reading »

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Dominican Republic Day 3 and Day 4

6/2 and 6/3 We began our day at the main hospital.  We had the opportunity to meet with the administrator of Hospital San Vicente de Paul.  She answered any questions we had, welcomed us and gave us an overview of the ADAMES.  After meeting with her, we broke off into two groups.  One group would … Continue reading »

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Pictures from May 31s

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June 1st: Sunday

  6/1/2014 It is Sunday in the Dominican Republic.  We went on a trip to Saucedo to the museum to learn more about the 3 sisters who were politically involved in an opposition party against the cruel dictator Rafael Trujillo.  The museum showcased their family home and their burial site.  We got a chance to … Continue reading »

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Welcome to the Dominican Republic

Our flight into Santo Domingo was absolutely beautiful!  After getting our bags, tourist cards, empanadas and some pesos, we were on our way to San Francisco de Macoris.  There was a van…and all of us would squish in for a two hourish drive.  It made for an interesting trip. When we arrived at Rosa’s house, … Continue reading »

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