Zachary Danziger, PhD
Principal Investigator
Zachary [dot] Danziger [at] emory [dot] edu
Associate Prof, Rehab Med, Div of Physical Therapy
Associate Prof, Biomedical Engineering
Biological Research: Whitehead Bldg. Rm. 665
Human Subjects Research: Rehab. Hospital Rm. 206
Office: Emory Rehabilitation Hospital Rm. 206A
Behnaz Afrashteh, PhD
Postdoctoral Scholar
behnaz [dot] afrashteh [at] emory [dot] edu
Behnaz studies neurourology and neurological dysfunction of the lower urinary tract.
Pragya Saxena, PhD
Postdoctoral Scholar
tbd [at] emory [dot] edu
Pragya is interested in understanding the role of non-voiding detrusor contractions during bladder filling.
Jacob Carducci, PhD
Postdoctoral Scholar
jdcardu [at] emory [dot] edu
Jake implements robotics to study human hand control and proprioception.
Steafan Khan
PhD Candidate
skhan095 [at] fiu [dot] edu
Steafan studies motor learning and neuroscience.
Pedro Alcolea
PhD Candidate
palco004 [at] fiu [dot] edu
Pedro studies brain-computer interfaces, machine learning, and motor learning.
Valeria Carrasquillo
PhD Candidate
valeria [dot] carrasquillo [at] emory [dot] edu
Val studies neurourology and urodynamics.
Chikamnele Nkwocha
PhD Candidate
chikamnele [dot] nkwocha [at] emory [dot] edu
Chika studies human-machine interaction.
Zoey Danziger
Lab Specialist
Empirical studies in motor control and cognitive development.