Epi Info

Epi Info is a tool for data collection, analysis, visualization, and reporting using epidemiologic methods. 

Latest Version: Epi Info | Developer: CDC

RSPH Citrix: Yes | License Required: Free | Student Version: N/A

[Available in the WHSC Library Specialized Software Lab.]

Style: Menus

Windows: Yes | Mac: Yes


Online Resources:

Epi Info user guide by CDC, Epi Info

Epi Info tutorials by CDC, Epi Info

Epi Info version 7 Quick Start guide by phConnect

Epi Info training slides by Harold Collins, phConnect



Epi Info and OpenEpi in Epidemiology and Clinical Medicine: Health Applications of Free Software (ISBN: 978-1449538910)  |  Andrew G. Dean, Kevin M. Sullivan, and Minn Minn Soe/CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform [Available for use in the WHSC Library Specialized Software Lab.]


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