Emory Diverge: On Multicultural Voices

We’re only different leaves, drifting…


  • I am from
    “I am from” is a creative writing piece by Amiee Zhao, submitted to the EXPEDITIONS section. This work emerges from an intense, performance-based training session during her internship, her frustration with linguistic challenges, and a critique of identity politics.
  • Photos in Chengdu
    Yvette shares her experience traveling in Chengdu, China through the lens of her camera.
  • POV: You Took a Class on Classical Political Thoughts, But Found the Authors to all be Slave Holders…
    Investigating Emory’s long history of implicated slavery.
  • Three Poems: Breakfast, Moonlit Night, Stale Wine
    By Joey Chen Joey Chen will graduate from Emory College of Arts and Sciences in 2026. 《早饭》 我在梦里死去了 和所有的人类 埋在明日的废墟里 腐烂的气息吸引了蛆虫 蚕食我尚存的气息 我惊醒了 发觉我尿湿了我的被褥 仿佛回到了童年冬日的早上 吃完那碗永远吃到的馄饨 在转角的苍蝇馆子 他们操着我不熟悉的方言 廉价地卖给了我油饼 因为糖油饼被比我早起的人 抢到了他们的胃里 我夺下单车 和红日抢夺的光阴 在喧闹中走出门外 填饱我饥肠辘辘的灵魂 我炙热的四肢浸没在冬日的寒风里 单薄的白色纤维 把我困在孤独的监狱里 起身下床 阴沉的思绪被遗忘在 清晨随意的手淫中 就像我浑身赤裸地带上墨镜 蔑视太阳的存在 踏入那家小馆 我打翻了半笼包子 它们被我不情愿地丢弃了 将奢侈的墨镜用布 轻轻地擦拭再放入包中 温热的豆腐脑昭示 昭示着我记忆的存在 被新的招牌掩盖在 灯火通明的早晨 我将被褥、床单、枕头 磁带、字典、笔筒、车锁、红色三角巾 扔进老旧的洗衣机… Read more: Three Poems: Breakfast, Moonlit Night, Stale Wine
  • A Drafision Poem
    What does it look like to create your own language and your own world?