Faculty are also encouraged to submit exhibition proposals, especially proposals that incorporate the exhibit design process into courses.
There are several steps involved in planning a library exhibit. The first is to contact a subject librarian or archivist. Depending on the course focus, this could be Erica Bruchko, Chella Vaidyanathan, an area studies librarian, or Gabrielle Dudley, the instruction archivist at the Rose Library. We will help you navigate the process and liaise with Kathy Dixson, the library’s exhibitions manager (404.727.0136 or kathryn [dot] v [dot] dixson [at] emory [dot] edu).
Kathy will want to know the exhibit topic, course associated, and general timeline (usually they showcase work from the previous semester: ie. for a class in Spring 2018, the exhibit would usually go up in the Fall of 2018). She’ll likely ask you to fill out a form, which is reviewed by the events and exhibitions team, the group that prioritizes exhibits. (Here’s a link to their propose an exhibit page).
Some past examples include:
Education at Emory in a Changing World, Levels 1 & 2, Fall 2017
Exhibition created by students in Dr. Sheila Cavanagh’s fall 2017 class, English 489 and English 780: Creating an Exhibit: Theories and Practices. The exhibit presented student research addressing how Emory has both responded to and influenced the way Emory graduates learn in a changing world.
Resisting Racism: From Civil Rights to Black Lives Matter, Level 10, Spring 2016
Exhibition created by students in Donna Troka’s class “Resisting Racism: From Black is Beautiful to Black Lives Matter.” The exhibit was based on archival research in the Stuart A. Rose Manuscript, Archives, and Rare Book Library.
In Focus, Evidence of a World Unseen, Level 2, Fall 2015
Exhibit highlighting historical photographs analyzed by students in Pellom McDaniels III, Introduction to African American Studies class.