Yard Sale


            每年七月的第一个星期六, 以晴住的社区都会办 [社区拍卖会].  在拍卖会的前一个星期, 每一家忙着整理房间, 把这一年来家里用不到的东西都清理出来.  在拍卖的那一天, 拿到社区公园拍卖.

以晴的妈妈最喜欢这个活 动, 因为社区拍卖会可以让家变得更干净. 每个人开开心心地清理自己的房间, 把穿不下的衣服, 不想再玩的玩具, 不想再听的CD, 不想再看的书, 还有不想留下的礼物, 都整理出来拍卖.  不但房间干净了, 而且可以把卖东西得到的钱拿去买别的东西.

拍卖的这一天, 天气很好.  一天早, 大家就在社区公园的草地上, 把长桌子排好, 把要拍卖的东西放在长桌子或草地上.  十四家拍卖的东西真不少, 二十几张长桌子, 把社区公园放得满满的.  拍卖活动每一年都办, 再加上每家卖的东西多整理得很好, 卖的又便宜, 所以, 来的人很多.  除了拍卖自己的东西以外, 以晴和久美子每年还会一起卖果汁和sushi.  天气热, 大家都想喝果汁, 所以她们赚了不少钱.

今年, 以思用卖东西得到的钱买了电脑游戏, 以晴买了几本书, 以安也有了想要的单车. 爸爸说: [拍卖会是很好的环保活动, 这一家用不到的 “垃圾”, 说不定 是别家希望得到的 “宝贝” 呢!]


1. 社区 shè community (n.)
例句: 以晴住的社区都会办 [社区拍卖会]

Example: The community Sunny lives in will organize a community yard sale.

3. 拍卖会 pāimàihuì auction, sale (n.)
例句: 在拍卖会的前一个星期, 每一家忙着整理房间

Example: On the week before the yard sale every family is busy cleaning up their house.

4. huódòng activity, hobby  (n.)
例句: 以晴的妈妈最喜欢这个活 动.

Example: Sunny’s mother likes this activity the best.

5. 干净 gānjìng clean (adj.)

Example: The yard sale can make the house become cleaner.

6. 得到 dào to get, to obtain, to receive (v.)
例句: 不但房间干净了, 而且可以把卖东西得到的钱拿去买别的东西.

Example: Not only do the rooms get cleaned, but the money obtained from selling those things can also be used to buy other things.

7. 草地 cǎo lawn, grass  (n.)
例句: 大家就在社区公园的草地上。

Example: Everyone placed the tables on the lawn in the community park.

8. pái to arrange, line up, set in order (v.)
例句: 大家把长桌子排好。

Example: Everyone arranged the long tables in order.

9. 满满 mǎnmǎn full, closely packed
例句: 十四家拍卖的东西真不少, 长桌子把社区公园放得满满的。

Example: There were a lot of things for sale from the fourteen families, and  the whole community park was filled with long tables.”

10. 游戏 yóu game  (n.)
例句: 以思用卖东西得到的钱买了电脑游戏。

Example: Ethan used the money earned from the yard sale to buy computer games.

11. 单车 dānchē bicycle  (n.)
例句: 以安也有了想要的单车。

Example: Ian also bought the bicycle he wanted.

12. 环保 huánbǎo environmental protection  (n.)
例句: 拍卖会是很好的环保活动。

Example: The yard sale is a great environmental protection activity.

13. 垃圾  trash  (n.)
例句: 这一家用不到的 “垃圾”, 说不定 是别家希望得到的 “宝贝” 呢!

Example: The “trash” that one family does not use, maybe another family’s desire “treasure”.

14. 说不定 shuōbudìng can’t say for sure, maybe (adv.)
例句: 这一家用不到的 “垃圾”, 说不定 是别家希望得到的 “宝贝” 呢!

Example: The “trash” that one family does not use, maybe another family’s desire “treasure”.

15. 宝贝 bǎobèi treasure  (n.)
例句: 这一家用不到的 “垃圾”, 说不定 是别家希望得到的 “宝贝” 呢!

Example: The “trash” that one family does not use, maybe another family’s desire “treasure”.


1. 为了准备拍卖会大家什么时候开始收拾家里?

In order to prepare for the yard sale, when did everyone begin cleaning the house?

2. 在以晴妈妈看来,拍卖会有什么优点?

What are the benefits of a yard sale according to Sunny’s mother?

3. 以晴的家人把什么东西拿到社区公园拍卖?

What things did Sunny’s family bring to the community yard sale?

4. 除了卖自己的东西以外,每年在拍卖会以晴跟久美子为了赚钱还做了什么?

Besides selling their things, what else do Sunny and Kumiko do at the yard sale in order to

make money?

5. 为什么以晴的爸爸把拍卖会比喻成一种保护环境的活动?你同意他的看法吗?为什么?

Why does Sunny’s father compare the yard sale to an environmental act?  Do you agree with him and why?


Yard Sale

            A yard sale is held by the community in which Sunny lives on the first Saturday of July every year.  One week before the yard sale, every family is busy cleaning the house and sorting out the things they don’t need anymore.  On the day of the yard sale, everyone brings those things to the community park for sale.

Sunny’s mother likes this event the best because the yard sale makes the house cleaner.  Everyone happily cleans up his own room and sorts out clothes that no longer fit, toys that are no longer played with, CDs that are no longer listened to, books that are no longer read, and presents that they no longer want to keep.  Not only do the rooms get cleaned, but the money made from selling those things can also be used to buy other things.

The weather was gorgeous on the day of the yard sale.  In the early morning, everyone lined up the tables on the lawn in the community park and put out the things for sale on the tables or lawn.  There were a lot of things for sale from the fourteen families, and more than twenty tables filled the whole community park.  The yard sale happens every year.  The items up for sale from each family are organized well and they are cheap, therefore a lot of people come.  Besides selling their own things, Sunny and Kumiko also sell juice and sushi together each year.  Because the weather is hot, everyone wants to drink juice and therefore they make quite a lot of money.

This year, using money earned from the yard sale, Ethan bought some computer games, Sunny bought some books, and Ian bought the bicycle he wanted.  Dad said, “The yard sale is a great environmental protection activity.  One family’s ‘trash’ may become another family’s ‘treasure’.”





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