Beijing Newspaper


Emory CHN 301

李宇烈(Wooyeul Li)


随着北京的经济发展,越来越多工厂开始大量生产一次性的东西。除了纸杯,纸盘,纸碗,纸巾以外,许多公司甚至于生产了纸内裤。在经济发展的方面,北京人原来认为这种大量生产的一次性的东西只有好处。不过北京人没想到为了经济发展,他们牺牲了他们的健康与北京的环境, 因为一次性用品带来了大量的垃圾。据生产一次性用品的的工厂老板说,“难道保护北京的环境一定比卖一次性赚的钱重要吗?”可是大家都需要知道,为了让北京的环境改善,中国政府花了更多钱。目前的中国经济已经发展得不错,不一定需要再生产那么多的一次性用品来赚钱。


词汇 Vocabulary:

1. 随着


in the wake of, along with, following (prep.)

例句: 随着北京的经济发展,越来越多工厂开始大量生产一次性的东西。

Example: In the wake of Beijing’s economic development, more and more factories are mass producing disposable goods.

2. 经济发展


economic development  (n.)

例句: 在经济发展的方面,北京人原来认为这种大量生产的一次性的东西只有好处。

Example: On the topic of economic development, Beijingers originally believed that mass production of disposable goods had only benefits.

3. 工厂


 factory  (n.)

例句: 越来越多工厂开始大量生产一次性的东西。

Example: More and more factories are mass producing disposable goods.

4. 大量生产


to produce in bulk  (v.)

例句: 越来越多工厂开始大量生产一次性的东西。

Example: More and more factories are mass producing disposable goods.

5. 一次性


 disposable  (adj.)

例句: 一次性用品带来了大量的垃圾。

Example: The mass production of disposable goods will bring about the mass production of waste.

6. 许多


many, a lot of  (adj.)

例句: 许多公司甚至于生产了纸内裤。

Example: Many companies even produce paper underwear!

7. 甚至于


so much (that), to the extent (that) (adv.)

例句: 许多公司甚至于生产了纸内裤。

Example: Many companies even produce paper underwear!

8. 生产


to produce, to manufacture  (v.)

例句: 许多公司甚至于生产了纸内裤。

Example: Many companies even produce paper underwear!

9. 牺牲


to sacrifice,  to give up  (v.)

例句: 不过北京人没想到为了经济发展,他们牺牲了他们的健康与北京的环境。

Example: In order for the economy to develop they must sacrifice their health and also Beijing’s environment.

10. 环境


environment  (n.)

例句: 不过北京人没想到为了经济发展,他们牺牲了他们的健康与北京的环境。

Example: In order for the economy to develop they must sacrifice their health and also Beijing’s environment.

11. 垃圾

waste, trash  (n.)

例句: 一次性用品带来了大量的垃圾。

Example: The mass production of disposable goods will bring about the mass production of waste.

12. 用品


products, goods  (n.)

例句: 目前的中国经济已经发展得不错,不一定需要再生产那么多的一次性用品来赚钱。

Example: China’s economy is currently developing pretty well, and it does not need  many factories producing disposable goods to generate funds.

13. 保护


to protect, to safeguard (v.)

例句: 难道保护北京的环境一定比卖一次性赚的钱重要吗?

Example: Don’t tell me protecting Beijing’s environment is more important than making profits from the sale of disposable goods?

14. 改善


to make better, to improve  (v.)

例句: 为了让北京的环境改善,中国政府花了更多钱。

Example: In order to improve Beijing’s environment, China’s government has spent even more money.

15. 目前


at present, currently  (adv.)

例句: 目前的中国经济已经发展得不错,不一定需要再生产那么多的一次性用品来赚钱。

Example: China’s economy is currently developing pretty well, and it does not need so many factories producing disposable goods to generate funds.

16. 经济


economy  (n.)

例句: 目前的中国经济已经发展得不错,不一定需要再生产那么多的一次性用品来赚钱。

Example: China’s economy is currently developing pretty well, and it does not need so many factories producing disposable goods to generate funds.

17. 发展


 to develop, to grown, to expand  (v.)

例句: 目前的中国经济已经发展得不错,不一定需要再生产那么多的一次性用品来赚钱。

Example: China’s economy is currently developing pretty well, and it does not need so many factories producing disposable goods to generate funds.

18. 大部分


the large part, the majority  (n.)

例句: 大部分的人会觉得这种问题是中国政府应该解决的问题。

Example: The majority of Chinese people think that this problem should be solved by the Chinese government.

19. 政府


government   (n.)

例句: 大部分的人会觉得这种问题是中国政府应该解决的问题。

Example: The majority of Chinese people think that this problem should be solved by the Chinese government.

20. 解决


to resolve, to settle (a dispute)  (v.)

例句: 大部分的人会觉得这种问题是中国政府应该解决的问题。

Example: The majority of Chinese people think that this problem should be solved by the Chinese government.

21. 协助


assistance (n.)

例句: 据中国政府来说,每一个人的协助都很重要。

Example: According to the Chinese government, each person’s assistance is important.



to pick up, to collect, to gather (v.)

例句: 政府不见得是劝每个人去捡易拉罐儿或矿泉水的瓶子。

Example: The government is not necessarily asking everyone to pick up cans or bottles of mineral water.

23. 易拉罐


pop-top cans (n.)

例句: 政府不见得是劝每个人去捡易拉罐儿或矿泉水的瓶子。

Example: The government is not necessarily asking everyone to pick up cans or bottles of mineral water.

24. 矿泉水


mineral spring water  (n.)

例句: 政府不见得是劝每个人去捡易拉罐儿或矿泉水的瓶子。

Example: The government is not necessarily asking everyone to pick up cans or bottles of mineral water.

25. 分类


to separate  (v.)

例句: 政府希望人们把他们自己的垃圾好好儿分类与回收。

Example: The government hopes that everyone will properly separate their trash and recyclable items.

26. 回收


to recycle  (v.)

例句: 政府希望人们把他们自己的垃圾好好儿分类与回收。

Example: The government hopes that everyone will properly separate their trash and recyclable items.

27. 下一代


the next generation  (n.)

例句: 保护环境不只是为了现代人自己,也是为了下一代。

Example: Protecting the environment is not for the benefit of this generation alone but also for the next generation as well.


1.  北京的工厂开始大量生产一次性的东西给北京环境带来什么影响?

      What effects does the mass production of disposable goods have on Beijing’s        environment?

 2.  北京人原来对经济发展有什么看法?

      What were Beijinger’s original views with regard to economic development?

 3.  课文里的一个老板觉得生产一次性的东西赚钱比保护环境更重要,在你看来,这样的想法对不对?为什么?

      The boss mentioned in the text believed that profiting from the production of       disposable goods is more important than protecting the environment.  Do you       believe this opinion is correct?  Why?

 4.  有人认为解决环境污染的问题是政府的责任因为一个人没办法改善世界的污染问题,关于这个想法你同意吗?为什么?

      Some people believe that it is the government’s responsibility to resolve the       environmental pollution problem because one person’s contribution cannot make a difference.  Do you agree with this type of thinking?  Why?

5.  要是你是课文里的一个老板,你有两个选择:第一个选择是生产更多一次性的用品,可以赚很多钱 ,可是你同时会破坏环境,第二个选择是限制一次性的用品的生产。虽然你不会有以前那么多钱,可是环境会比以前干净得多,还有你会有干净的水,馨香的空气,你会做什么?  为什么?

      If you were the boss mentioned in the text, you would have two options, the first would be to produce more disposable goods and make more money but also            damage the environment.  The second would be to limit the production of disposable goods.  You will not make as much money as before, however your       environment will be cleaner and you will have fresh water and air.  Which option will you pick and why?


Beijing Newspaper – Front Page News

               In the wake of Beijing’s economic development, more and more factories are mass producing disposable goods.  In addition to paper cups, paper plates, paper bowls, and paper towels, many companies even produce paper underwear!  On the topic of economic development, Beijingers originally believed that mass production of disposable goods had only benefits; however it never occurred to them that in order for the economy to develop they must sacrifice their health and also Beijing’s environment because the mass production of disposable goods would bring about the mass production of waste as well.

            The owner of a disposable production company said, “Don’t tell me protecting Beijing’s environment is more important than making profits from the sales of disposable goods.”  But people need to know that China’s government has spent even more money in order to improve Beijing’s environment.  China’s economy is currently developing pretty well, and it does not need so many factories producing disposable goods to generate funds.

            The majority of Chinese people think that this problem should be solved by the Chinese government.  There are also people who believe that one person cannot make much of a contribution to the betterment of the environment.  But according to the Chinese government, each person’s assistance is important.  The government is not necessarily asking everyone to pick up cans or plastic bottles from mineral water, but rather it hopes that everyone will properly separate their trash and recyclable items.  Moreover, protecting the environment is not for the benefit of this generation alone but for the next generation as well.


Emory CHN 301

李宇烈(Wooyeul Li)


隨著北京的經濟發展,越來越多工廠開始大量生產一次性的東西。除了紙杯,紙盤,紙碗,紙巾以外,許多公司甚至於生產了紙內褲。在經濟發展的方面,北京人原來認為這種大量生產的一次性的東西隻有好處。不過北京人沒想到為了經濟發展,他們犧牲了他們的健康與北京的環境, 因為一次性用品帶來了大量的垃圾。據生產一次性用品的的工廠老板說,“難道保護北京的環境一定比賣一次性賺的錢重要嗎?”可是大家都需要知道,為了讓北京的環境改善,中國政府花了更多錢。目前的中國經濟已經發展得不錯,不一定需要再生產那麼多的一次性用品來賺錢。


詞匯 Vocabulary:

1. 隨著


in the wake of, along with, following (prep.)

例句: 隨著北京的經濟發展,越來越多工廠開始大量生產一次性的東西。

Example: In the wake of Beijing’s economic development, more and more factories are mass producing disposable goods.

2. 經濟發展


economic development (n.)

例句: 在經濟發展的方面,北京人原來認為這種大量生產的一次性的東西隻有好處。

Example: On the topic of economic development, Beijingers originally believed that mass production of disposable goods had only benefits.

3. 工廠


factory (n.)

例句: 越來越多工廠開始大量生產一次性的東西。

Example: More and more factories are mass producing disposable goods.

4. 大量生產


to produce in bulk (v.)

例句: 越來越多工廠開始大量生產一次性的東西。

Example: More and more factories are mass producing disposable goods.

5. 一次性


disposable (adj.)

例句: 一次性用品帶來了大量的垃圾。

Example: The mass production of disposable goods will bring about the mass production of waste.

6. 許多


many, a lot of (adj.)

例句: 許多公司甚至於生產了紙內褲。

Example: Many companies even produce paper underwear!

7. 甚至於


so much (that), to the extent (that) (adv.)

例句: 許多公司甚至於生產了紙內褲。

Example: Many companies even produce paper underwear!

8. 生產


to produce, to manufacture (v.)

例句: 許多公司甚至於生產了紙內褲。

Example: Many companies even produce paper underwear!

9. 犧牲


to sacrifice, to give up (v.)

例句: 不過北京人沒想到為了經濟發展,他們犧牲了他們的健康與北京的環境。

Example: In order for the economy to develop they must sacrifice their health and also Beijing’s environment.

10. 環境


environment (n.)

例句: 不過北京人沒想到為了經濟發展,他們犧牲了他們的健康與北京的環境。

Example: In order for the economy to develop they must sacrifice their health and also Beijing’s environment.

11. 垃圾


waste, trash (n.)

例句: 一次性用品帶來了大量的垃圾。

Example: The mass production of disposable goods will bring about the mass production of waste.

12. 用品


products, goods (n.)

例句: 目前的中國經濟已經發展得不錯,不一定需要再生產那麼多的一次性用品來賺錢。

Example: China’s economy is currently developing pretty well, and it does not need many factories producing disposable goods to generate funds.

13. 保護


to protect, to safeguard (v.)

例句: 難道保護北京的環境一定比賣一次性賺的錢重要嗎?

Example: Don’t tell me protecting Beijing’s environment is more important than making profits from the sale of disposable goods?

14. 改善


to make better, to improve (v.)

例句: 為了讓北京的環境改善,中國政府花了更多錢。

Example: In order to improve Beijing’s environment, China’s government has spent even more money.

15. 目前


at present, currently (adv.)

例句: 目前的中國經濟已經發展得不錯,不一定需要再生產那麼多的一次性用品來賺錢。

Example: China’s economy is currently developing pretty well, and it does not need so many factories producing disposable goods to generate funds.

16. 經濟


economy (n.)

例句: 目前的中國經濟已經發展得不錯,不一定需要再生產那麼多的一次性用品來賺錢。

Example: China’s economy is currently developing pretty well, and it does not need so many factories producing disposable goods to generate funds.

17. 發展


to develop, to grown, to expand (v.)

例句: 目前的中國經濟已經發展得不錯,不一定需要再生產那麼多的一次性用品來賺錢。

Example: China’s economy is currently developing pretty well, and it does not need so many factories producing disposable goods to generate funds.

18. 大部分


the large part, the majority (n.)

例句: 大部分的人會覺得這種問題是中國政府應該解決的問題。

Example: The majority of Chinese people think that this problem should be solved by the Chinese government.

19. 政府


government (n.)

例句: 大部分的人會覺得這種問題是中國政府應該解決的問題。

Example: The majority of Chinese people think that this problem should be solved by the Chinese government.

20. 解決


to resolve, to settle (a dispute) (v.)

例句: 大部分的人會覺得這種問題是中國政府應該解決的問題。

Example: The majority of Chinese people think that this problem should be solved by the Chinese government.

21. 協助


assistance (n.)

例句: 據中國政府來說,每一個人的協助都很重要。

Example: According to the Chinese government, each person’s assistance is important.

22. 撿


to pick up, to collect, to gather (v.)

例句: 政府不見得是勸每個人去撿易拉罐兒或礦泉水的瓶子。

Example: The government is not necessarily asking everyone to pick up cans or bottles of mineral water.

23. 易拉罐


pop-top cans (n.)

例句: 政府不見得是勸每個人去撿易拉罐兒或礦泉水的瓶子。

Example: The government is not necessarily asking everyone to pick up cans or bottles of mineral water.

24. 礦泉水


mineral spring water (n.)

例句: 政府不見得是勸每個人去撿易拉罐兒或礦泉水的瓶子。

Example: The government is not necessarily asking everyone to pick up cans or bottles of mineral water.

25. 分類


to separate (v.)

例句: 政府希望人們把他們自己的垃圾好好兒分類與回收。

Example: The government hopes that everyone will properly separate their trash and recyclable items.

26. 回收


to recycle (v.)

例句: 政府希望人們把他們自己的垃圾好好兒分類與回收。

Example: The government hopes that everyone will properly separate their trash and recyclable items.

27. 下一代


the next generation (n.)

例句: 保護環境不隻是為了現代人自己,也是為了下一代。

Example: Protecting the environment is not for the benefit of this generation alone but also for the next generation as well.


1. 北京的工廠開始大量生產一次性的東西給北京環境帶來什麼影響?

What effects does the mass production of disposable goods have on Beijing’s environment?

2. 北京人原來對經濟發展有什麼看法?

What were Beijinger’s original views with regard to economic development?

3. 課文裡的一個老板覺得生產一次性的東西賺錢比保護環境更重要,在你看來,這樣的想法對不對?為什麼?

The boss mentioned in the text believed that profiting from the production of disposable goods is more important than protecting the environment. Do you believe this opinion is correct? Why?

4. 有人認為解決環境污染的問題是政府的責任因為一個人沒辦法改善世界的污染問題,關於這個想法你同意嗎?為什麼?

Some people believe that it is the government’s responsibility to resolve the environmental pollution problem because one person’s contribution cannot make a difference. Do you agree with this type of thinking? Why?

5. 要是你是課文裡的一個老板,你有兩個選擇:第一個選擇是生產更多一次性的用品,可以賺很多錢 ,可是你同時會破壞環境,第二個選擇是限制一次性的用品的生產。雖然你不會有以前那麼多錢,可是環境會比以前干淨得多,還有你會有干淨的水,馨香的空氣,你會做什麼? 為什麼?

If you were the boss mentioned in the text, you would have two options, the first would be to produce more disposable goods and make more money but also damage the environment. The second would be to limit the production of disposable goods. You will not make as much money as before, however your environment will be cleaner and you will have fresh water and air. Which option will you pick and why?


Beijing Newspaper – Front Page News

In the wake of Beijing’s economic development, more and more factories are mass producing disposable goods. In addition to paper cups, paper plates, paper bowls, and paper towels, many companies even produce paper underwear! On the topic of economic development, Beijingers originally believed that mass production of disposable goods had only benefits; however it never occurred to them that in order for the economy to develop they must sacrifice their health and also Beijing’s environment because the mass production of disposable goods would bring about the mass production of waste as well.

The owner of a disposable production company said, “Don’t tell me protecting Beijing’s environment is more important than making profits from the sales of disposable goods.” But people need to know that China’s government has spent even more money in order to improve Beijing’s environment. China’s economy is currently developing pretty well, and it does not need so many factories producing disposable goods to generate funds.

The majority of Chinese people think that this problem should be solved by the Chinese government. There are also people who believe that one person cannot make much of a contribution to the betterment of the environment. But according to the Chinese government, each person’s assistance is important. The government is not necessarily asking everyone to pick up cans or plastic bottles from mineral water, but rather it hopes that everyone will properly separate their trash and recyclable items. Moreover, protecting the environment is not for the benefit of this generation alone but for the next generation as well.

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