Andrew Catalano

“Early Spring”


山水画是中国画的一个特色分支。其中一个很有名的山水画家是郭熙。他跟一些别的画家使山水画发展起来。他最有名的画可能是“早春图”(“Early Spring”)。





Landscape Painting is a characteristic branch of Chinese painting. One of the most famous Chinese landscape painters is Guo Xi. He made landscape painting famous (with others) but he also had other skills. His most famous work may be “Early Spring” (“Early Spring”). Guo Xi was born in 1020 and died in 1090. He lived in Henan Province during the Song Dynasty.

He was not only a great, well-known painter, but also a writer and teacher – his methods and skills were unique. He was one of the first artists to use perspective. At the same time in Europe, artists had not developed perception, and could not illustrate depth. His complex brushstrokes were a development for art.

Early Spring illustrates the early spring trees, mountains, and water. The work is beautiful, but it’s also really old, so now it’s a little unclear.

I think he painted this to illustrate the beautiful early spring time change. If I were in the place he painted, I would like to swim and hike. I chose this painting because early spring is my favorite time of the year.

Miji Choi


我选择清明上河图片因为到处都是绿色, 看起来真舒服!我也喜欢这幅画里的老建筑。 自然环境和人山人海的景色,让我似乎可以分享他们的快乐J

当我读这幅画的说明, 我明白了: 清明上河圖 描绘 了北宋京城汴梁, 汴河两岸的繁华街道 ,热闹的景象 和优美的自然风光。作品是长卷形式,  复杂的风景纳入富于变化的画卷中。 畫中主要分为兩部份,一部份是農村,另一部是市集。畫中有人,牲畜多匹,船隻多艘,房屋樓宇多棟,还有很多車輛、樹木。我特别喜欢这幅详细的画。 每个人都有不一样的衣服和表情, 每棵树都有不一样的颜色。 我还为能看看人们的生活、他们的传统 和 城市感到激动!

I chose the name of the river clear picture because everywhere green, looks really comfortable! I also like the old building from the painting. Natural environment and scenery so I packed them were happy ☺

When I read the description of the painting, I understand: painting depicting the Northern Song capital Kaifeng, bustling streets and lively scene near the river on both sides and beautiful natural scenery. Works in scroll form, complex and varied landscape into a unified picture. Drawn mainly divided into two parts, one part is rural, is another bazaar. Some paintings, livestock and more horses, boats boats, house building more buildings, vehicles, car roof, trees and more trees, different clothing exchanges, and looked different life.

I especially like how this hatch in great detail. Each have different clothes, each tree has a different color. I can see people’s lives, their traditions and excitement of the city!

Susanna Chi



       千里江山图是一幅非常大的画。实际上这张画是中国历史上最大的画之一,也是最伟大的中国作品之一。这张手卷有 1,191.5 厘米长,和 51.5 厘米宽。王希孟在丝绸上作画,用了华彩的水墨。千里江山图的背景色是深金色。在这张手卷上除了有很多青色的大山以外还有湖、乡镇、桥、树、船等等。如果我在这张画,我会想探索风景.比如说我会想爬青色的大山,横渡湖。我觉得这幅作品给我一种庄重的情感。

1113 年,王希孟画了千里江山图。当他画完这长作品的时候,他只有十八岁。可惜王希孟在二十三岁的时候便死去了。王希孟名为神通,是北宋有名的画家。宋徽宗其实亲自教王希孟。因为王希孟是艺术的神童,我想学他的作品。再说,我想学习王希孟的千里江山图,因为我觉得这张作品显示出了古代中国的美丽风景。


Wang Ximeng’s A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains

A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains is an extremely big painting. As a matter of fact, this painting is one of the largest paintings in Chinese history and one of China’s greatest artwork.  Wang Ximeng painted on silk. In addition, he used rich colors of ink. The background of A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains is a dark gold color. Not only does this hand scroll have a lot of blue-green, majestic mountains, but it also has lakes, villages, bridges, trees, boats, and so on. If I were in this picture, I would want to explore the landscape. For example, I would want to climb the majestic mountains and sail across the lakes. I think this painting gives a solemn, dignified emotion.

Wang Ximeng painted A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains in the year of 1113. When he finished painting this artwork, he was only eighteen years old. Unfortunately, Wang Ximeng passed away when he was only twenty-three years old. Wang Ximeng was known as a prodigy and was the most renowned painter of the Northern Song Dynasty. Emperor Huizong actually personally taught Wang Ximeng. Because Wang Ximeng is known as an art prodigy, I wanted to study his artwork. Also, I wanted to study Wang Ximeng’s A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains because I think this artwork displays ancient China’s beautiful scenery.

During the Northern Song dynasty, China’s dynasty controlled a lot of land. I think Wang Ximeng drew a very long, very immense so he could show Northern Song dynasty’s prosperity. In addition, Wang Ximeng drew a lot of villages and a lot of boats because the Northern Dong dynasty experienced a very big population growth and technology growth.

Mijin Kim



我选择了叫《千里河山》的绘画。这幅画是最有名的古典中国画之一。这幅画很长, 有36英尺长。这幅画描绘了山河的雄伟景色,特别是山区的无数山峰。这画画也描绘了在河旁边的村庄和山间高崖的飞瀑。并且这幅画也描绘了天空中的风和通向庙宇的路。画家在画里用了蓝、绿和金色。




I chose the painting called “A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains.” The painting is the most famous classical Chinese painting. The painting is very long. It is 36 feet long. The painting depicts the majestic views of mountains and rivers, especially the villages on the side of the river and the mountain cliff waterfalls. The painting also depicts the wind in the sky and pathway leading to the temple. The painter uses blue, green, golden colors.

Wang Ximeng is one of the most famous Chinese painters in Song Dynasty. In 1113, he painted thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, when he was eighteen years old. I chose “A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains” because Wang Ximeng’s paintings left me with the deepest impression. I love beautiful scenery that he depicted in the painting. If I am at the place in the painting, I would like to take many pictures.

At first glance, the painting just depicts beautiful landscapes of China. Wang Ximeng depicts China as a prosperous and powerful country. His use of gold color emphasizes wealth and royalty. However, taking into account the historical background of the painting, the painting is actually a lament former glory of China. Therefore, Wang Ximeng’s painting gave me the feeling of both beauty and lament.


Helina Iyob-Tessema

第十六作文: 传统中国的


请看这张图画, 那么好看!   一个很有名的中国画家画这张图,他叫郑燮。他的画只有一些竹,可是也有一个小故事。你看起来,图画没有太多颜色,只是黑色的竹和驼色的背景,可是又简单,又票亮。郑燮画的竹都很高,我觉得竹不是太高,所以郑燮可能是以一个小孩子的视角画这张图画。因为小孩子很小,所以所有的东西看起来都很高。再说,图画也很平和。没有太多东西,所以看图画的人不会分心。我觉得画自然的图画很漂亮,因为我很喜欢去自然里静坐。郑燮也可能喜欢去自然静坐所以他可以画这张画。我觉得郑燮想要人宁静和开心。


综上所述,我觉得郑燮的画很漂亮。他用自然的简单素质让他的画很漂亮。可是你还不知道郑燮是谁?所以请给我机会告诉你: 郑燮是一个江苏人。很多人知道他另一个人的名字,鄭板橋。他的家人没有很多钱, 可是他是一个很用功的人。他逐渐提高他的能力,所以最后,他变成了山东的知府。可是他辞职了,因为出现了一些问题。辞职以后,他用艺术来表过自己。他特别喜欢去自然画兰花、石头和竹。这张画是他最有名的作品。

Take a look at this picture, so nice! A famous Chinese painter by the name of Zheng Xie drew this painting. His painting is made up of only bamboo, but it tells a story. As you can see, the picture doesn’t have much color’ the bamboo is colored black, and the tan background makes the painting very simple, yet so beautiful. Zheng Xie painted the bamboo to look very tall. In my opinion, I don’t think bamboo is very tall, so perhaps Zheng Xie wanted to draw this painting from the perspective of a young child. Because children are so small, to them, everything looks very tall. Moreover, the picture is very peaceful. There aren’t too many things in the painting, so when people look at this painting, there aren’t many things distracting them. I think this painting depicts nature very beautifully; I like to go out to nature and meditate. Perhaps, Zheng Xie wanted to meditate in nature too when he drew this painting. I think the emotions Zheng Xie wanted his viewers to be reminded of is that of serenity and happiness.

In summary, I thing Zheng Xie’s painting is very beautiful. He used the simple essence of nature to create a very beautiful picture. However, you may wonder who Zheng Xie is? Please allow me to tell you a bit about him: Zheng Xie was a Chinese painter from Jiangsu. A lot of people know him from his more commonly used name, Zheng Banqiao. His family didn’t have a lot of money, but he was a very hardworking person. He made sure to continue improving his grades and testing, until one day he became a magistrate in Shangdong. However, he resigned after some problems arose. After his resignation he used art to express himself. He especially loved drawing things in nature such as orchids, stones, and bamboo. This picture of bamboo is one of his most famous.