Gregory Tracy



张择端是宋代著名画家。我之所以选择“清明上河图”,是因为它在历史中很重要。这是非常重要的,因为它给人们在宋代的生活理念 。我选择了这幅画,因为我对这幅画中所有不同的人很感兴趣。我喜欢看所有的人在做的事情。我也喜欢了解张择端对于那段历史的看法。


This painting is known as the “Along the River During the Qingming Festival” painted by Zhang Zeduan. This picture says a lot of things. This picture shows more than 550 people. All of these people have different facial expressions. They also are wearing clothes of different colors. However, the most important idea in the painting is the life of the common people.

Zhang Zeduan, who painted the picture, was a famous painter who lived during the Song Dynasty. This picture that I selected, ” Along the River During the Qingming Festival “, was probably the most important historical painting that he created. This is very important because it gives the philosophy of life of the people in the Song Dynasty. I chose this picture because I am interested in all the different people in the picture. I like to see all the people are doing things. I also like looking at the past from the point of view of Zhang Zeduan.

What I see is a large group of people who are all very busy. I also see a world that is very different from today. Everyone seems to have things that they are doing. Because there are so many activities going on, there is a lot to look at. I will always be curious as to what the people in the picture are doing.

Haena Lee

“吉祥仙鹤” (Auspicious Crane)是徽宗的画。画上有很多鹤。在中国文化,鹤的意思是长寿和吉祥。鹤也意味着健康和幸福。所以在中国的画,画家都很喜欢画鹤。它的背景是蓝色的。它也有瓦屋面。瓦屋面是红色和绿色的。天上有黄色的云。白和黑色的鹤在中间,所以我们喜欢看这幅画的中间。

徽宗(1082-1135)是宋朝第八个有名的皇帝。 他有名是因为他觉得道教是真好的。他禁止佛教。除了皇帝以外、他也是一个诗人、画家、书法家音乐家。他很喜欢画鸟和花。

“Auspicious Crane”是很平静的画儿。鹤飞来飞去。可是在红色的瓦屋面两只鹤没有飞来飞去。所以它们的协调优美。背景是用丝绸做成的。我觉得蓝、黄、黑、白、红的颜色的协调很好漂亮。我觉得这幅画儿的意思是快乐最后会来。虽然在我们的人生我们都有很多黑云,也有很多烦恼,但是快乐最后会来。

“Auspicious Crane” is Huizong’s painting. It has a lot of cranes. In Chinese culture, cranes mean longevity and auspiciousness. It also means health and happiness. So, in many of Chinese paintings, artists like to draw cranes many times. The background is blue. It has a tiled roof. The tiled roof is red and green colored. In the sky, there are yellow clouds. Black and white cranes are in the middle, so our view is focused on the middle.

Huizong is famous eighth emperor of Song Dynasty. He is famous because he believed that Taoism was the best. He prohibited Buddhism. In addition to being an emperor, he was also a poet, painter, calligrapher, and musician. His primary focus of his paintings were birds and flowers.

“Auspicious Crane” is very calming painting. Cranes are flying. But at the red roof, two cranes are not flying. So their position creates a balance that is beautiful. The background is made of silk. The blue color of the silk makes the painting soft. I believe that blue, yellow, black, white, and red colors all coordinate together to create a beautiful painting. I believe that this painting means happiness will come. Despite the many clouds and worries in our life, in the future, the happiness will come.

Kyung H. Hong

Travelers Among Mountains and Streams (谿山行旅)

这张山水画是中国很有名的画。中国人叫这张画“溪山行旅”。“溪山行旅”是宋朝的。 他叫范宽。这张山水画没有很多颜色。范宽只用黑色和红色。他写的字都是红色的。他画的东西都是黑色的。这张画里有高高的山,长长的河水,大大的石头和非常漂亮的树。



如果我是“溪山行旅”的画家,我要用很多明亮的颜色。比如说,我要绿绿的树、蓝蓝色河水、白白的石头。 因为我非常喜欢中国的熊猫,我也要画熊猫。画熊猫?那我得要画竹木! 因为现在我不打工,所以我不能挣钱。 可是,我长大以后拿薪水的时候,我得要买这张山水画。

This painting is known as the “Travelers Among Mountains and Streams. The artist of the painting is Fan Kuan from Song Dynasty. The painting is drawn with ink. The writings are in red. The drawings are in black. We can see mountains, trees, rocks, water stream, and water fall in the painting.

Fan Kuan is a native of Hua Yuan which is known as Yao Xian in Shan Xi province today. He was known for his magnanimous character, straightforward personality in the past. However, he is known for his landscape painting today.

I like this painting because not only it is a very old piece of art but also there is no color. In addition, it is a beautiful piece of art and it shows great care for environment.

If I was the painter, I would add some bright colors to make the painting more beautiful and vivid. In addition, I would like to add animals. Because I like pandas very much, I would like to darw pandas. Draw pandas? Then I must draw bamboos too! If I have enough money I will certainly buy this painting.

Hyun Jin Kim



五牛图 (Five Oxen)

   “五牛图”是中国最有名的动物画儿之一。这张画儿表现五只牛,各个牛有不一样的姿态:一只在看上面,一只在看后面,一只在走动,一只在吃草,另外的在冥想。五只牛的颜色都不同,有的是黄色或者褐色,有的是有斑纹的,色彩又美又活灵活现。这张画儿是横排的, 大概140厘米。画家用很厚的毛笔,为了表示牛的力气和勇壮。



“Five Oxen” is one of the most famous Chinese animal paintings. This painting describes five oxen each has different postures: one is looking up, one is looking back, one is walking, one is eating grass, and the other one is meditating. Five oxen’s colors are all different, some are yellow or brown and some have spots. Colors are very beautiful and vivid. This painting is drawn horizontally and is about 140cm long. The painter used very thick brush in order to describe oxen’s strength and boldness.

During Tang Dynasty, Han Huang drew this painting. He not only is a famous painter but also have political power because his main job is prime minister. His famous paintings all describe animals, such as ox, sheep, and donkey. Unfortunately, his paintings are all lost except “Five Oxen”. I chose this painting because I think Han Huang well-symbolized oxen’s energy and hard work.

This painting reminds me of a person. I think ox is similar to person because ox and person both diligently work. The painter drew this painting because he truly appreciated ox’s hard labor.

Youjin C. Kim


在这幅画里有一组山。他们看起来他们是一个大的山脉。他们有不一样的颜色,如绿色和蓝色。 画的中间有很多的树。各棵树的叶片有不一样的颜色,比如说红色、白色、粉红色、绿色、蓝色等等。在山和树的周围有一些云。这些云大部分是白色和蓝色。在画的左上面有中国字,它是这幅画的标题。在这幅画的右下边有一个老人。他穿白色中国传统的服装。他在往山上走。

蓝瑛画了这幅名为白云红树图的画。蓝瑛(ca.1585-1664)是一位明朝时代的画家,他画山水、人物、花鸟。蓝瑛出生在杭州,他早期生活在杭州。蓝瑛画的是一个立轴。他在丝绸上用墨和水彩。画的尺寸是189.4 x48厘米。这是一个很长的画。


In the painting, a group of mountains are drawn. They seem like they were one big range of mountains. They are colored in different colors, such as green and blue. In the middle of the painting, there are many trees. Trees are colored in different colors of leaves, such as red, white, pink, green, blue, etc. Some clouds are surrounding the mountains and trees. Those clouds are mostly white and blue. At the top left of the painting, there are Chinese characters written. It is the title of this painting. At the bottom right of the painting, there is one old man. He is wearing white traditional Chinese clothes. He is walking towards the mountain.

Lan Ying painted this painting named “White Clouds and Red Trees”. Lan Ying was a painter who draws landscapes, human figures, flowers and birds during the Ming dynasty. Lan Ying was born in Hangzhou and spent most of his early life there. His painting is a Hanging scroll. He used ink and colors on silk to draw. The painting’s size is 189.4 x 48 cm. this is a long painting.

If I were a painter, I would make the color more realistic and add more animals such as tiger or rabbit to make it more real. The various bright and vivid colors of the mountain and trees that artist used seems very interesting, but it gives the feeling that the painting has more than one season. Since I prefer realistic painting, I would like to choose a particular season to draw.