Abigail Averil

乍看起来,这幅画似乎很简单,可是如果你用心地看,这幅画很复杂的。画有很崎岖的山。山看起来很高,因为山下有很多薄雾和云。在一个山头是一间房子, 在很多树的中间。房子和树的左边是一个很高的高原。上面坐着一个深思的男人。


这幅画对我有很好的影响,让我想起Big Sur,一个加州的海岸。我很喜欢Big Sur, 因为那里有很高的山。山下有云和薄雾,山上有很多树,跟这幅画一样。如果我在这幅画的里面,我要爬山去那间房子。到房子以后,我可以休息休息:看书,画画,睡觉,看很漂亮的风景等等。我也可以跟这个男人聊天儿。我想了解他的思想。我觉得住在画里面的生活很轻松。


At first glance, this painting seems simple, but if you look carefully, you can see it is quite complex.  The painting has rugged mountains that seem to be tall because their bottoms are shrouded by mist and cloud.  On one mountaintop is a home surrounded by trees.  To the left of the trees and house is a plateau on which a man sits thoughtfully.

Zhou Chen painted this painting.  He lived during China’s Ming Dynasty in Jiangsu Province in the east of China.  Zhou Chen really liked to paint mountains, rivers and other landscapes as well as people.  When he was old he taught painting and had many famous students such as Tang Yin and Qiu Ying.  I chose this painting because of its perspective on life.  In the painting the scenery is very large while the person is very small.  I think this is correct, but today, many people treat the natural landscape badly and it seems like they think they are bigger than the world.  I find looking at this kind of painting very refreshing.

This painting gives me a very good impression and reminds me of Big Sur on California’s coast.  I like Big Sur so much because it has tall mountains whose base is shrouded in mist and clouds and tops are covered in trees.  It looks a lot like this painting.  If I were to be inside the painting, I would climb the mountains to the house.  After I arrived at the house I could rest—reading books, painting, sleeping, looking at the beautiful scenery, etc.  I could also talk to the man and find out his reflections.  I think living in this painting would be very relaxing.


Chinese Pinyin English
乍看 Zha(4) kan(4) At first glance
似乎 Si(4) hu(1) Seems (to be)
用心 Yong(4) xin(1) Carefully
复杂 Fu(4) za(2) Complex
崎岖 Qi(2) qu(1) Rugged
薄雾 Bo(2) wu(4) Mist
Yun(2) Cloud
深思的 Shen(1) si(1) de Thoughtful
周臣 Zhou (3) chen(2) Zhou Chen (name)
辈子 Bei(4) zi Lifetime
明朝 Ming(2) chao(2) Ming Dynasty
江苏 Jiang(1) su(1) Jiangsu province
唐寅 Tang(2) yin(2) Tang Yin (name)
仇英 Qiu(2) ying(1) Qiu Yin (name)
视角 Shi(4) jiao (3) Perspective; way of thinking
清新 Qing(1) xin(1) Refreshing
提醒 Ti(2) xing(3) Remind of
加州 Jia(1) zhou(1) California
沉思 Chen(2) si(1) Reflections; thoughts