APE Opportunities, CDC One Health Office

APE Opportunities, CDC One Health Office

CDC’s One Health Office sits within in the National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases (NCEZID) at CDC. The One Health Office is involved in both domestic and global health activities that help advance CDC’s mission to protect public health and prevent disease. CDC’s One Health Office recognizes that the health of people is connected to the health of animals and our shared environment. A One Health approach encourages collaborative efforts of many experts (like disease detectives, laboratorians, physicians, and veterinarians) working across human, animal, and environmental health sectors to improve the health of people and animals, including pets, livestock, and wildlife. CDC’s One Health Office is working on a variety of projects and collaborations both domestically and internationally. Students will have the opportunity to support the One Health Office in a variety of activities, but will be primarily responsible for one of the projects below.

All of these opportunities within CDC’s One Health Office are unpaid and voluntary-based. Opportunities are typically 40 hours/week (unless otherwise noted) from Monday to Friday and will most likely be fully virtual/telework, due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Students may be badged under the Student Worksite Experience Program (SWEP), if eligible.
If you are interested in applying to any of these One Health Office APE Opportunities, please send a cover letter and resume/CV to the One Health Office point of contact for each project. Please also include in your email subject line the name of the project you are applying for.

Cover letters and resumes/CVs will be reviewed on a rolling basis as they are submitted. These opportunities will be filled as soon as possible.

See the pdf linked below for more information.

CDC One Health Office_Applied Practice Experience Opportunities_2022_distributed

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