Career Advice for Entrepreneurs: Recent eBooks Added to GBL’s Overdrive Collection


The Goizueta Business Library recently added two new ebooks to its Overdrive collection – both of which will be of interest for entrepreneurs, in fact all business students, looking to change their career paths. The titles are Transitions: Making Sense of Life’s Changes (2004) and Making Transitions: Making the Most of Change (2017) by William Bridges.

A recent HBS Working Knowledge blog, Time to Move On? Career Advice for Entrepreneurs Preparing for the Next Stage, writes about watching “several firms going through periods of transition. Some have been cofounders who realized that it was time for a more experienced leader to take their business to the next level. Some were just ready for something new. Others have shifted their roles from leader to individual contributor and in one recent case, a CEO-founder sold their company and is now transitioning to a leader within a very large organization. In each of these cases, these were not overnight changes, but rather they were thoughtful shifts that each managed with intention. By transitioning with intention, we are more likely to come out on the other side with more clarity, less stress and with a higher likelihood of success—in whatever way each individual defines success.”

The books outline “three stages of transition—the ending, the neutral zone, and the new beginning—and encourages the reader to pause and understand each of these phases during their own transitions. This is something most of us do not do with intention, whether it’s ending a relationship, changing a job or transitioning from a household of kids to an empty nest.”

Check out these ebooks and more in the Overdrive database!

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