NEW! Multicultural Segment Added to Mintel

The Goizueta Business Library has recently added Multicultural consumer market research reports to the Mintel database. To view all of this content, click on Demographics below the banner and check the box for Multicultural.  All of Mintel’s in-depth market research reports, analyst insights, and news for this consumer segment will display.

Mintel Multicultural

Mintel’s Multicultural reports provide timely insights about this segment, including:

  • Understanding the Industry/Market – e.g.  Black Consumers – Snacking Trends
  • Understanding Consumer Motivations/Behaviors (the “why” behind their choices) –e.g. Hispanics: Online Shopping Behaviors
  • Understanding How to Market to Specific Demographics – e.g. Marketing to Black Millennials
  • Analyst Insights into New Products, Trends, etc. – e.g. Hispanic Ownership will Benefit Pet-Related Categories

In your research, you may be tasked to make recommendations for companies that want to break into a new demographic segment and Mintel’s Multicultural include a lot of information on demographic segmentation such as age, gender, race, income, education, and more.

In addition, you may also want to explore psychographic information such as attitudes, behaviors, preferences values, interests, hobbies, and moreLooking at people in a multifaceted way helps provide diverse perspectives to answer questions for class projects or recommendations to a client.  

Reports include: competitive landscape, market drivers and segmentation, consumer demographics and psychographics, leading companies, marketing strategies, and advertising and promotion. 

Databook includes: raw data from Mintel’s surveyand includes demographic & psychographic primary data. The databook is available to download in excel. 

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