Eric Deutsch

Author's posts

FOAM of the Week – Drug-Induced Seizures, Iron Toxicity, Serotonin Syndrome and NMS

Back from the holidays with some great tox subjects: New onset or refractory seizures?  Think tox!  Check out this review of toxicologic causes of seizures from LITFL: Review of iron toxicity from ALIEM: Overview of Serotonin syndrome and NMS from EmDocs:

FOAM of the Week – EtCO2 in Cardiac Arrest, PCP Pneumonia, Guillain Barre, Lactate Clearance

As always, some great FOAM topics from this week’s lectures. Expand your knowledge… Learn how to use End Tidal CO2 to improve your cardiopulmonary resuscitation: Summary and various radiographic findings of PCP pneumonia: A great summary of Guillain Barre from EMRAP: Thoughts from Weingart on lactate clearance:

FOAM of the Week – Bougie Cric, DSI, Hyponatremia, Hyperkalemia, Ketamine

Lots of good stuff from this week’s lectures. FOAM away… Bougie-guided cric: Management of acute hyponatremia from EMCrit: Kayexalate – it’s a bunch of crap (literally): Delayed Sequence Intubation: Ketamine, a great drug:

FOAM of the Week – Shoulder Dislocation, Knee Dislocation, Genitourinary Trauma

Thought I would share some trauma stuff that came up on recent shifts since it was class day today. Enjoy! A newer technique for reduction of shoulder dislocations – haven’t tried it yet but looks super-easy: Knee dislocations – remember, >50% will spontaneously reduce upon presentation, so need to have a high index of …

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FOAM of the Week – Status Epilepticus, EMTALA

Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and ate tons of turkey. Here’s a few things from lecture this week: A podcast discussion on Status Epilepticus from EMCrit: Or, if you prefer, a written summary from First10EM: A good overview of some things you need to know about EMTALA from EMRap earlier this year. Remember, most …

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FOAM of the Week – Back Pain

This week’s FOAM of the Week is a pain in the back… *crickets chirp* We see tons of back pain, most of which are benign, but a few can have serious etiologies. Listen to this EMRAP review to know what red flags to look out for: High risk causes of back pain from ALIEM: …

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