Next Gen. Pet

I would like to do my podcast on Genpets. People are still confounded by them and are not entirely sure whether to believe them or not. Through a podcast, not only would I be able to include my persuasive tone and dialogue to support Genpets, but I can also include primary testimony from people who actually have their own and can approve. While there are many pictures and lots of information regarding the product, what is left to really sell the items is a spokes person and anecdotes from actual clients to confirm the legitimacy and brilliance of such an innovative new toy that science has accomplished to produce.

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One Response to Next Gen. Pet

  1. Lindsey Grubbs says:

    This fits in great with the science/pseudoscience discussion we had in class today. It sounds like you’re thinking about something like a fake advertisement. I’m wondering what you can include beyond testimonials and a spokesman–are there sound effects that would help? Recordings of the sound of a Genpet? Will you include skeptics?

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