The film A Quiet place is an excellent example of how sound plays a crucial role in this film. Since the entire setting of the film is set in a post apocalyptic world where the creature hunts the people by sound, the inhabitants must remain silent to save their livelihoods. Interestingly, this lack of sound and necessity for silence successfully create suspense in the film and drives the entire plot forward. With the focus of the film revolving around sounds, the three components of sound mentioned in the chapter, loudness, timbre, and pitch becomes crucial in this film, and the director intentionally guides the audience to focus on these elements.

A great example of how sound creates suspense in this film is the through the constant continuities of showing shots of feet in this film. In a way, the visual elements, often the focus in the film, actually plays a supportive role in this case. The close up shots in this film are meant to aid the viewers in focusing on the sound played in the film, the leaves rustling as the feet step on them are exaggerated to create a sense of suspense. Since sound is such a rarity in this film, the lack of sound in this film is largely contrasted when sound is present. Additionally, the lack of sound also plays a crucial role in this film. For example, when the family’s youngest child is taken by the monster as he exposed himself by playing a toy, the devastating sadness evoked by the absolute deadly silence afterwards for the whole family is more powerful and louder than any sentimental soundtrack that could have been there. I have attached the clip below for reference.