Central themes and Explanation Behind Nope (searcher)

In this video, Peele discusses the overarching themes of Nope as well as his goals for the movie. He mentions the theme of human addiction to spectacle, and what happens when money becomes involved in this. This theme is prevalent in the film as many characters are seen addicted to the discovery of this unknown object and they even risk their lives in order to take pictures of it to prove their discovery to the rest of the world. Something else that resonated with me about the film was how immersed I felt in the story world. I felt as though I was alongside the characters, and this was one of Peele’s goals. He aimed to get into the head of the audience, and by doing so, I believe he was able to convey a sense of suspense and curiosity throughout the film. In terms of genre, Peele recognized that many people don’t want to see horror movies, but this movie was intended to serve as an “invitation” to them for this genre. I resonated with this, because although this movie can be considered horror, there were many other genres embedded in the film that allowed for an atypical version of a horror movie. What I found most interesting and important about this video was that Peele notes that this was meant to be a film that couldn’t be made five years ago. This is because of its original content, with people of color in starring roles, directed by a person of color, and a big budget.

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