The Grand Budapest Hotel Mis-en-Scene'(Searcher)(Extra-Credit)

The Grand Budapest Hotel directed by Wes Anderson is a story about Mr. Zero, an immigrant who made a fortune and how his life was greatly influenced by a person he met, named M. Gustave. The entire story is a recollection of the memories of Zero about M.Gustave. It is almost if as if the entire movie is being played in his head and he is trying to make it in the form of a play.

A a result all the props and background details in the film seem kind of unreal. They seem as if they are in a play. The props and background seem a little unreal as if they are perfectly symmetrical. He also portrays emotion of the scene with colors. For example in Grand Budapest when Zero meets the love of his life after a long time, they are covered in the background with pink boxes of the Mendl’s pastries. Here is an interesting blog regarding the particular set design in Wes Anderson movies.

This theme of symmetry and surrealism is not confines to just one particular movie, but can be seen in most of his other works as well. Very recently, he released a series of movies one of which was ‘The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar’. The background and props are perfectly symmetrical. The symmetry signifies that it is away from reality.
The only part which is haphazard is when the narrator is there in the scene where his office is completely chaotic and people are interrupting and books are lying everywhere. This signifies that real life is haphazard compared to stories.
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