A City of God Scene *SPOILERS* (Extra Credit)

I wouldn’t be able to say I made the most of this blog if I didn’t make a post about my favorite movie of all time: City of God. City of God, directed by Fernando Meirelles and Kátia Lund, is a Brazilian film about the growth of organized crime in the slums of Rio de Janeiro, specifically in an area known as the City of God. It follows the story of Rocket, an aspiring photographer who documents a turf war between “Zé” and his crew against “Knockout Ned”. This movie is a straight masterpiece and I highly recommend that if you haven’t seen it yet to put it at the top of your watch list.

***************************IF YOU HAVEN’T SEEN THE FILM, STOP HERE*******************************

One of the many reasons that I love this film is the authenticity and message in every shot. Below is one of the most powerful scenes in the movie.

There is so much to talk about here. First, let’s discuss Benny’s character. He was the guy that everyone loved. He was the symbol of hope. He was going to be the one that was going to make it out. His farewell party brought the whole city together, no matter the clique they were a part of. The party was going well until Blacky arrived with the intention of killing Lil Z, who is now known as Lil Dice. The sequence continues with a cut to Z and Benny arguing after Lil Dice knocks the camera out of Rocket’s hand to show his anger that Benny is leaving. As Benny and Lil Dice fight, the music changes, and strobe lights begin to flash. This illustrates as well as foreshadows the chaos that is about to ensue. The lights can also be viewed as an illustration of Blacky’s nervousness about what he intends to do. The wild camera movement and flashing lights are also a demonstration of Blacky’s vision which is extremely overwhelming and confusing. Unfortunately, this setting leads Blacky to accidentally shoot Benny. Benny’s death symbolizes the death of hope in this city, showing that no matter what, the violence will never end.

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