Card Scene in Now You See Me 2 (extra credit)

The Now You See Me series are movies that I highly recommend people to watch, and they recently announced there will be a Now You See Me 3. I am very excited for that, but I wanted to highlight the iconic card scene from Now You See Me 2. If you have not seen it, here is the link to watch.

According to the director, Jon M. Chu, it was the hardest scene to shoot because it presented a lot of problems before they even started filming for the scene. They used several cameras to follow the card everywhere it went. There was an amazing use of continuity editing because throughout the scene there is a clear understanding of where the card is and where the main characters and security guards are in relation to each other while also portraying that the officers in the scene have no idea where the card is. Here are a few links I found that go more into detail about what it took to create the scene.

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