Subliminal Plot Ties in Do the Right Thing (Extra Credit)

Do the Right Thing was an amazingly engaging movie that critiqued society when it came out 30 years ago, and is still doing so today. I remember during the class discussion about the movie, someone asked how Sal’s character drastically changed from the nice, neighborhood guy to a full on racist. This reminded me of how differently people view the world because, to me, Sal was racist throughout the entirety of the movie. I think it, in a way, also connects to the scene where Mookie pulled Pino to the side to talk to him about the use of the N word. I do not think Pino would agree with the statement that he is also racist, probably with the justification that he lives in a predominantly black community or another claim similar to that. To everyone else, though, Pino is clearly racist. He made it clear that although his favorite people are Black, he still does not like Black people and will continue to use the N word because his favorite people are different than other, non-famous Black people. I found an article that talks more about this scene specifically and what Spike Lee had in mind. I think it’s really interesting to understand why the scene was included. I wanted to specifically highlight point 8 in the article. After reading this, I think Lee pointed out another important part of the overall purpose of the movie. Viewers see that the fight started with wanting Black representation on an all white wall, but I think the scene also adds that there is only an appreciation for Black culture as a whole if it provides entertainment for mainstream culture. I think its a subtle but strong point that adds to the fact that no one likes the Black community until they can profit off of it, which is what Sal was doing the entire time. It explains how he may come off as nice and not racist in the beginning to some viewers since he has to appeal to the Black community to profit off of it to begin with.

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